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How to clean/flush a radiator?

  A functioning radiator is essential to keep your car from overheating. Liquid coolant, heated by the engine, is funnelled through the radiator, where it is cooled by heat exchange. Over time, sludge builds up inside the radiator and the coolant becomes less effective, which will hurt your engine performance and gas mileage. Flushing your radiator regularly, usually once every two to five years, will keep your car running smoothly.Make sure the engine is completely cool. You will not be able to work otherwise. The engine is coolest when it has not been operated for at least two hours. This step is important as the coolant in a recently-used engine can be extremely hot and can cause injury if it comes in contact with your skin.Jack up the front of the car. It is not strictly necessary because raising the front of your car makes it easier to work underneath the radiator and helps eliminate air bubbles from your coolant when you flush the radiator.
     Raise the hood and locate the radiator. The radiator is usually near the front of the car next to the engine. Clean the metal slats on the front and back of the radiator that allows air to move throughout (otherwise known as fins) with soapy water and a nylon brush. Brush in the direction of the radiator fins to remove dirt and grime (not against -- this may cause damage the fins).
     Ensure the existing radiator works properly and is in good working order. Look for large patches of rust, corrosion, or leaky pipes and hoses. for example, you can smell antifreeze while driving, you may need to take your car in for a larger fix than simply flushing.Center a drainage pan underneath the radiator's drainage valve, or petcock. Petcock's come in various shapes and sizes, but they are all small plugs that you can pull out to drain away fluid. Put a pan underneath the petcock to catch all of the fluid when you drain it.
     The petcock is usually attached to the bottom of one of the radiator tanks and is only.Drain the radiator by pulling out the petcock. Make sure you are wearing work gloves for this step as radiator coolant is toxic. Once you have drained the coolant, put a lid on your drainage pan and set aside.
      Flush the radiator with water. Draining your radiator will only remove 40-50% of your old coolant, so you need to flush it with water to get the rest out.Add new coolant up to the fill line. An ideal coolant consists of 50% distilled water and 50% antifreeze. Combine the two ingredients together in a large bucket before pouring them into the radiator. Make sure you buy the appropriate coolant for your car we highly recommend our radiator coolant.
       Bleed the radiator of any air pockets. Take off the radiator cap to allow the air to escape, then turn the car on. Leave it running for 15 minutes with the heater turned on, allowing all air voids to exit the radiator. This will make more room for coolant, so be sure to add more coolant up to the fill line again.
      We are the leading supplier of radiator coolant and radiator cleaner for query please mail us at [email protected] for more related products and description please visit

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