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Price update for - 2018-08-16

Product Updates
Item Description Unit Price Packing Size
Degreaser Heavy Duty - 25 ltr - RXSOL-10-1005-025 Powerful dispersing agents. Readily soluble in water in all proportions. It is non-corrosive to metal like copper, aluminium, mild steel and plastic. It is non-toxic which makes handling easy. 180 AED 25 Ltr.
Rig Wash Liquid 210 Ltr - RXSOL-16-1042-210 ALKALINE CLEANER & DEGREASER CONCENTRATE :::--- It is a emulsifier with powerful penetrating agents, corrosion inhibitors and surfactants. Quickly removes oil, grease, gimres, . Best results also achieved for cleaning of tank cleaner or for general degrea 540 AED 210 Ltr.
Drain Cleaner - DRAINEX - RXSOL-16-1008-025 Heavy DUTY and fast effective Descaler for any type of metal (except for soft metal like aluminium and zinc). 36 AED 5 Kg.(Liq)
Aqua Break RX 25 Ltrs - RXSOL-16-3003-025 New technology surfactant degreaser for removal of grease, oil, sludge, carbon deposits, general dirt and grime. designed to clean Animal / Vegetables oils, Fats, Hydrocarbon removes Dirt, Iink, Carbonized grease, Oil, Heavy oils etc. 207 AED 25 Ltr.
Concrete Truck Cleaner (CRMC-83) - RXSOL-41-4135-005 A clear liquid, low-fuming acid detergent compound to use as a concrete truck cleaner or ready mix truck cleaner, works well for removing plaster, rust, scale, grease, oil, and road film also great for removing lime. 25 AED 5 Ltr.
Sodium Hypo Chlorite 25 Ltrs - RXSOL-31-3025-025 Remove odors, Remove color, Improve permanganate time. 52 AED 25 Ltr.
Rust Remover - RXSOL-16-1088-025 Excellent pre treatment and binder for metal surfaces to be painted. concentrated blend of rxsol proprietory formulated various products, which is specifically designed for the rapid removal of rust, while providing phosphatized ferrous metal surface. 158 AED 25 Ltr.
Metal Brite - RXSOL-16-1011-025 Specially designed for removal of rust from any steel surface area also acts as rust proofing agent before the application of paint or coatings. It is non-flammable. Prevents further rusting. 148 AED 25 Ltr.
Floor WAX ON - RXSOL-41-8639-025 WAX ON 72 AED 5 Ltr.
Floor polish DECK BRIGHTNER - RXSOL-13-1015-020 Floor Brightner not only protects and extends the life of floors but also provides a safe high gloss finish which is easy to maintain and resistant to scuffing. 1239 AED 20 Ltr.
Hand Cleaner Paste, Waterless 1 Kg Pkg - RXSOL-16-1001-001 White creamy gel containing Natural ingredients of citrus oil and powerful dispersing agents. This is a better substitute of petroleum products & caustic based detergetns which drain the body oil. ONLY 2 TO 5 grams SUFFICIENT to clean Hand. 9 AED 1 Kg (Paste)
Silica Gel Blue - RXSOL-19-1998-025 When free from moisture the Granules or beads are dark blue in color. As the beads takes up moisture, they turns to light blue gradually they turn pink. 335 AED 25 Kg.(PWD)
Cool Treat (cooling water treatment ) 25 Ltrs - RXSOL-40-4012-025 Organic liquid corrosion inhibitor with low-toxic poerty provides long-life corrosion protection for closed cooling water systems . Rxsol Cooltreat will protect all commonly used materials in engine cooling water systems, including aluminium. Cooltreat 180 AED 25 Ltr.
Cement Dissolver - RXSOL-41-4101-025 Cement dissolver as an alternative to using hazardous acids for concrete removal. Back-Set is a one-of-a-kind formula. It uses an active ingredient found in molasses syrup, and is completely biodegradable. 144 AED 25 Ltr.
Aluminium Cleaner - RXSOL-16-1028-025 Formulated specifically to brighten oxidized aluminium siding on industrial buildings to remove oxidation deposite. 176 AED 25 Ltr.
Hand Cleaner Paste, Waterless 1 Kg Pkg - RXSOL-16-1001-001 White creamy gel containing Natural ingredients of citrus oil and powerful dispersing agents. This is a better substitute of petroleum products & caustic based detergetns which drain the body oil. ONLY 2 TO 5 grams SUFFICIENT to clean Hand. 9 AED 1 Kg (Paste)
Acid corrosion Inhibitor RXSOL 213 - RXSOL-19-1503-210 The addition of Acid corrosion Inhibitor RXSOL 213, inhibitors to hydrochloric acid solution provides maximum protection for equipment during,The removal of lime deposits or water scale from power plant boilers and piping systems and from evaporating equi 3870 AED 210 Ltr.
Hydrochloric Acid Lab Grade - RXSOL-60-6257-500 Lab Reagent 32 AED 1 Bottle Liq
RXSOL 27 (Gas Turbine Compressor Cleaning Fluid) - RXSOL-16-1927-025 RXSOL 27 is a concentrated, neutral, environmentally friendly, biodegradable, waterbased detergent cleaning fluid for cleaning and corrosion inhibition of gas turbine compressors. 292 AED 25 Ltr.
Scale Remover Silica Hard water - RXSOL-11-1102-025 This is powerfull concentrated and newly developed cleaner , which contain amphoteric penetrants for dissolving hard water scale. 135 AED 25 Ltr.
Sodium Hypo Chlorite 25 Ltrs - RXSOL-31-3025-025 Remove odors, Remove color, Improve permanganate time. 52 AED 25 Ltr.
Sodium Bisulphite Liq - RXSOL-33-1524-025 Sodium Bisulfite solution for using as chlorine reducing agent in RO units and for membranes preservation 144 AED 25 Ltr.
Antiscalant RO - RXSOL-33-3302-025 This is a reverse osmosis membrane treatment chemicals . It is highly concentrated polymer chemicals. 225 AED 25 Ltr.
Fabric Stain Remover - RXSOL-15-1657-005 It is biodegradable Fabric Stain remover. 45 AED 5 Ltr.
Scale and Corrosion Inhibitor for Cooling Water - RXSOL-40-4091-025 Metallic corrosion and scale controlling advanced formulated product for open and closed cooling systems. 225 AED 25 Ltr.
BIOCIDE sanitizer 25 Ltrs - RXSOL-40-4008-025 enviromentally safe and versatile anti microbial and a powerful anti oxidant, When it dissolved in water, it disintegrates to water, oxygen and carbon dioxide. All these degradation products are non toxic. It is a very powerful oxidant, whose oxidation po 176 AED 25 Ltr.
Antiscalant RO - RXSOL-33-3302-025 This is a reverse osmosis membrane treatment chemicals . It is highly concentrated polymer chemicals. 225 AED 25 Ltr.
Caustic Soda Flake 25 Kg - RXSOL-19-1498-025 White deliquescent solid, chiefly in the form of beads or pellets. Hazard: Corrosive to tissue in the presence of moiture. Strong irritant to tissue (eyes, skin, mucous membrane.) Used as a detergent. 135 AED 25 Kg.(PWD)
Paint Remover 25 Ltr - RXSOL-18-1013-025 Excellent product for removal of paint from tough painted surfaces. Useful in the maintenance of all types of Industrial plant and in the marine industry. 220 AED 25 Kg.(Liq)
Moya Oil 25 Ltr - RXSOL-20-2023-025 Most economical way of cleaning small or large parts 90 AED 25 Ltr.
Coconut Shell Based Activated Carbon - RXSOL-32-3107-030 Activated Carbon is a very active product with a high proportion of medium and large pores. It is recommended for the adsorption of large quantities of high molecular weight substances. 1328 AED 25 Kg.(PWD)
Hydrogen Peroxide 50% - RXSOL-19-1990-050 In industry, hydrogen peroxide in higher concentrations is used as a bleach for textiles and paper, as a component of rocket fuels, and for producing foam rubber and organic chemicals.Hydrogen peroxide is also using to reduce BOD and COD in refinery for wastewater Treatment. 360 AED 50 Kg.(PWD)
Rig Wash Citrus Formula - RXSOL-16-1045-210 Pleasant citrus based product contains effective grease cutter ingredient which is also effective with hard water. Excellent chemical cleaning action result without leaving any film or residue to recollect dirt, grease or grime . 1170 AED 210 Ltr.
RX JELLY Pickling Paste - RXSOL-68-6801-005 Passivating Pickling Paste is highly concentrate paste which is used to clean weld seams and surrounding areas and is applied with brush. This is very effective product to acts as Degreasing, cleaning, pickling and passivation. 39 AED 5 Kg (Paste)
SODIUM BROMIDE Solution - RXSOL-81-1617-050 For use in completion and oil drilling fluids and for industrial use 882 AED 70 Kg.(Liq)
Per chloro Ethylene 25 Kg - RXSOL-19-1418-020 Perchloro Ethylene-I 135 AED 25 Kg
SODA ASH 50 Kg - RXSOL-19-1307-050 Alkaline pure POWDER 119 AED 25 Kg.(PWD)
Tiles And Grout Cleaner ( Restoration ) - RXSOL-41-8685-025 Renews your tile and grout, This industrial strength cleaner will remove embedded mineral deposits and carbonaceous soils such as rust, calcium, urine stains, soap scum and efflorescence from man made tile and cement grout. 225 AED 25 Ltr.
Sodium Sulphite (sulfite) with Catalyst Powder - RXSOL-19-1305-025 Removal of oxygen using commercial sodium sulfite and a catalyzed sodium sulfite makes great difference . After 25 seconds of contact, catalyzed sodium sulfite removed the oxygen completely. Uncatalyzed sodium sulfite removed less than 50% of the oxygen in this same time period. In a boiler feedwate 180 AED 25 Kg.(PWD)
Paint Thinner (NC) 210 Ltr - RXSOL-18-1014-210 Special blend of advanced technically pure various organic solvents & penetrating agents. It functions via a unique dual mechanism the penetrating agent reacts with paints components whilst the organic components reacts with metals to form protection film. 945 AED 210 Ltr.
Rig Wash Liquid Concentrate 25 Ltrs - RXSOL-16-1014-025 Specially designed to used in any pressure washing machine range or mopping. Its High penetration formula deep into recesses and crevice of equipment and machinery to chase out soils without disassembling. The resultant run-off will not harm tarmac or a 95 AED 25 Ltr.
RX JELLY Pickling Paste - RXSOL-68-6801-005 Passivating Pickling Paste is highly concentrate paste which is used to clean weld seams and surrounding areas and is applied with brush. This is very effective product to acts as Degreasing, cleaning, pickling and passivation. 39 AED 5 Kg (Paste)
Membrane Cleaner RXSOL- 3304 - RXSOL-33-3304-025 ADVANCE MEMBRANE SYSTEM CLEANER FOR R.O PLANT Membrane Cleaner Removal of Iron Containing deposits 198 AED 25 Ltr.
Cool Treat (cooling water treatment ) 25 Ltrs - RXSOL-40-4012-025 Organic liquid corrosion inhibitor with low-toxic poerty provides long-life corrosion protection for closed cooling water systems . Rxsol Cooltreat will protect all commonly used materials in engine cooling water systems, including aluminium. Cooltreat 180 AED 25 Ltr.
Dish Washing Liquid for Automatic Machine 25 Ltr - RXSOL-15-1660-025 It is a high quality biodegradable ultra concentrate liquid detergent specially formulated for automatic dishwashing machine. 156 AED 25 Ltr.
Glass Cleaner Extra Shining - RXSOL-41-8301-025 Glass Cleaner 796 AED 0 Box
Floor Cleaner Non Rinse Neutral - RXSOL-13-1552-010 It gives great looking floors. It dissolves dirt light stain buildup which is damaging colour finishes and shining of floor. Poor cleaning of floor surface, can hide the color and shine, Which you worked so hard to achieve. 372 AED 10 Ltr.
Toilet Cleaner-IV - RXSOL-15-1019-025 Toilet Cleaner-IV 86 AED 25 Bottle
Multi Clean 25 Ltr - RXSOL-16-1502-025 Highly concentrated All-Purpose Cleaner frequently used for Dishwashing, Floor Cleaning, Hard Surface Cleaing, Glass Cleaning, Vehicle Cleaning etc. 101 AED 25 Ltr.
Demulsifier ORG - RXSOL-81-8159-210 Power of Chemical to break EMULSION in two phase hydrocarbon phase (oil) and a water-phase. Dosage and application will vary based on emulsion characteristics. For most crude or fuel oil based emulsions, a starting concentration of 0.1% at 165°F with a minimum heated recirculation contact time of 2 2430 AED 210 Ltr.
Dish Wash 25 Ltr - RXSOL-15-3007-025 Highly concentrated, neutral liquid detergent, golden yellow in colour, with a floral fragrance. It is very active and when diluted as recommended, is suitable for all manual cleaning and dishwashing, in household and institutional applications. 100 AED 25 Ltr.
Air Cooler Cleaner 25 Ltr - RXSOL-16-0009-025 ACC9 AC coil cleaner is powerful solvent emulsion cleaner, easily dissolves soiled oil and grease deposit. Also helpful to clean all types of engine parts, turbo chargers of diesel engines. During the operation, the fins & tubes of the main engine air cooler which become fouled with oil, grease, dus 207 AED 25 Ltr.
T.POL Tech 25 Ltr - RXSOL-16-T300-025 Multi cleaner soap solution used as a common for home, institutes, plant and machinery. compatible with all type of surfaces. Suitable for commercial and industrial cleaning processes 90 AED 25 Ltr.
RXSOL 666 Tank cleaner - RXSOL-20-0666-050 Surfactant base highly concentrate Product specially designed to clean Tank Container , Cargo Tank which are carrying Heavy Aromatic , hydrocarbon solvent and, natural Latex etc. Rxsol 666 due to strong concentration provides a quick penetration and power 5044 AED 60 Kg.(Liq)
Moya Oil 25 Ltr - RXSOL-20-2023-025 Most economical way of cleaning small or large parts 90 AED 25 Ltr.
AQUATUFF - LIQUID 25 Ltr - RXSOL-22-3030-025 Very effective Emulsifier - Alkaline based cleaner with good high foaming nature for use in hold cleaning and general degreasing. its heavy molecular surfactants rapidly reacts with water and produce effective cleaning solution. 86 AED 25 Ltr.
Metal Brite - RXSOL-16-1011-025 Specially designed for removal of rust from any steel surface area also acts as rust proofing agent before the application of paint or coatings. It is non-flammable. Prevents further rusting. 148 AED 25 Ltr.
Air Cooler Cleaner 25 Ltr - RXSOL-16-0009-025 ACC9 AC coil cleaner is powerful solvent emulsion cleaner, easily dissolves soiled oil and grease deposit. Also helpful to clean all types of engine parts, turbo chargers of diesel engines. During the operation, the fins & tubes of the main engine air cooler which become fouled with oil, grease, dus 207 AED 25 Ltr.
T.POL Tech 25 Ltr - RXSOL-16-T300-025 Multi cleaner soap solution used as a common for home, institutes, plant and machinery. compatible with all type of surfaces. Suitable for commercial and industrial cleaning processes 90 AED 25 Ltr.
RXSOL 666 Tank cleaner - RXSOL-20-0666-050 Surfactant base highly concentrate Product specially designed to clean Tank Container , Cargo Tank which are carrying Heavy Aromatic , hydrocarbon solvent and, natural Latex etc. Rxsol 666 due to strong concentration provides a quick penetration and power 5044 AED 60 Kg.(Liq)
Moya Oil 25 Ltr - RXSOL-20-2023-025 Most economical way of cleaning small or large parts 90 AED 25 Ltr.
AQUATUFF - LIQUID 25 Ltr - RXSOL-22-3030-025 Very effective Emulsifier - Alkaline based cleaner with good high foaming nature for use in hold cleaning and general degreasing. its heavy molecular surfactants rapidly reacts with water and produce effective cleaning solution. 86 AED 25 Ltr.
Metal Brite - RXSOL-16-1011-025 Specially designed for removal of rust from any steel surface area also acts as rust proofing agent before the application of paint or coatings. It is non-flammable. Prevents further rusting. 148 AED 25 Ltr.
Coolant Green RXSOL G 93-94 - RXSOL-40-4021-025 Inhibitor concentrate/chemical which is added to the cooling water of internal combustion engines in cases in which the coolant does not need to be protected from freezing. It efforts excellent protection against cavitation and corrosion to all metals and 220 AED 25 Ltr.
Air Cooler Cleaner 25 Ltr - RXSOL-16-0009-025 ACC9 AC coil cleaner is powerful solvent emulsion cleaner, easily dissolves soiled oil and grease deposit. Also helpful to clean all types of engine parts, turbo chargers of diesel engines. During the operation, the fins & tubes of the main engine air cooler which become fouled with oil, grease, dus 207 AED 25 Ltr.
T.POL Tech 25 Ltr - RXSOL-16-T300-025 Multi cleaner soap solution used as a common for home, institutes, plant and machinery. compatible with all type of surfaces. Suitable for commercial and industrial cleaning processes 90 AED 25 Ltr.
RXSOL 666 Tank cleaner - RXSOL-20-0666-050 Surfactant base highly concentrate Product specially designed to clean Tank Container , Cargo Tank which are carrying Heavy Aromatic , hydrocarbon solvent and, natural Latex etc. Rxsol 666 due to strong concentration provides a quick penetration and power 5044 AED 60 Kg.(Liq)
Moya Oil 25 Ltr - RXSOL-20-2023-025 Most economical way of cleaning small or large parts 90 AED 25 Ltr.
AQUATUFF - LIQUID 25 Ltr - RXSOL-22-3030-025 Very effective Emulsifier - Alkaline based cleaner with good high foaming nature for use in hold cleaning and general degreasing. its heavy molecular surfactants rapidly reacts with water and produce effective cleaning solution. 86 AED 25 Ltr.
Metal Brite - RXSOL-16-1011-025 Specially designed for removal of rust from any steel surface area also acts as rust proofing agent before the application of paint or coatings. It is non-flammable. Prevents further rusting. 148 AED 25 Ltr.
Air Cooler Cleaner 25 Ltr - RXSOL-16-0009-025 ACC9 AC coil cleaner is powerful solvent emulsion cleaner, easily dissolves soiled oil and grease deposit. Also helpful to clean all types of engine parts, turbo chargers of diesel engines. During the operation, the fins & tubes of the main engine air cooler which become fouled with oil, grease, dus 207 AED 25 Ltr.
T.POL Tech 25 Ltr - RXSOL-16-T300-025 Multi cleaner soap solution used as a common for home, institutes, plant and machinery. compatible with all type of surfaces. Suitable for commercial and industrial cleaning processes 90 AED 25 Ltr.
RXSOL 666 Tank cleaner - RXSOL-20-0666-050 Surfactant base highly concentrate Product specially designed to clean Tank Container , Cargo Tank which are carrying Heavy Aromatic , hydrocarbon solvent and, natural Latex etc. Rxsol 666 due to strong concentration provides a quick penetration and power 5044 AED 60 Kg.(Liq)
Moya Oil 25 Ltr - RXSOL-20-2023-025 Most economical way of cleaning small or large parts 90 AED 25 Ltr.
AQUATUFF - LIQUID 25 Ltr - RXSOL-22-3030-025 Very effective Emulsifier - Alkaline based cleaner with good high foaming nature for use in hold cleaning and general degreasing. its heavy molecular surfactants rapidly reacts with water and produce effective cleaning solution. 86 AED 25 Ltr.
Metal Brite - RXSOL-16-1011-025 Specially designed for removal of rust from any steel surface area also acts as rust proofing agent before the application of paint or coatings. It is non-flammable. Prevents further rusting. 148 AED 25 Ltr.
Air Cooler Cleaner 25 Ltr - RXSOL-16-0009-025 ACC9 AC coil cleaner is powerful solvent emulsion cleaner, easily dissolves soiled oil and grease deposit. Also helpful to clean all types of engine parts, turbo chargers of diesel engines. During the operation, the fins & tubes of the main engine air cooler which become fouled with oil, grease, dus 207 AED 25 Ltr.
T.POL Tech 25 Ltr - RXSOL-16-T300-025 Multi cleaner soap solution used as a common for home, institutes, plant and machinery. compatible with all type of surfaces. Suitable for commercial and industrial cleaning processes 90 AED 25 Ltr.
RXSOL 666 Tank cleaner - RXSOL-20-0666-050 Surfactant base highly concentrate Product specially designed to clean Tank Container , Cargo Tank which are carrying Heavy Aromatic , hydrocarbon solvent and, natural Latex etc. Rxsol 666 due to strong concentration provides a quick penetration and power 5044 AED 60 Kg.(Liq)
Moya Oil 25 Ltr - RXSOL-20-2023-025 Most economical way of cleaning small or large parts 90 AED 25 Ltr.
AQUATUFF - LIQUID 25 Ltr - RXSOL-22-3030-025 Very effective Emulsifier - Alkaline based cleaner with good high foaming nature for use in hold cleaning and general degreasing. its heavy molecular surfactants rapidly reacts with water and produce effective cleaning solution. 86 AED 25 Ltr.
Metal Brite - RXSOL-16-1011-025 Specially designed for removal of rust from any steel surface area also acts as rust proofing agent before the application of paint or coatings. It is non-flammable. Prevents further rusting. 148 AED 25 Ltr.
Air Cooler Cleaner 25 Ltr - RXSOL-16-0009-025 ACC9 AC coil cleaner is powerful solvent emulsion cleaner, easily dissolves soiled oil and grease deposit. Also helpful to clean all types of engine parts, turbo chargers of diesel engines. During the operation, the fins & tubes of the main engine air cooler which become fouled with oil, grease, dus 207 AED 25 Ltr.
T.POL Tech 25 Ltr - RXSOL-16-T300-025 Multi cleaner soap solution used as a common for home, institutes, plant and machinery. compatible with all type of surfaces. Suitable for commercial and industrial cleaning processes 90 AED 25 Ltr.
RXSOL 666 Tank cleaner - RXSOL-20-0666-050 Surfactant base highly concentrate Product specially designed to clean Tank Container , Cargo Tank which are carrying Heavy Aromatic , hydrocarbon solvent and, natural Latex etc. Rxsol 666 due to strong concentration provides a quick penetration and power 5044 AED 60 Kg.(Liq)
Moya Oil 25 Ltr - RXSOL-20-2023-025 Most economical way of cleaning small or large parts 90 AED 25 Ltr.
AQUATUFF - LIQUID 25 Ltr - RXSOL-22-3030-025 Very effective Emulsifier - Alkaline based cleaner with good high foaming nature for use in hold cleaning and general degreasing. its heavy molecular surfactants rapidly reacts with water and produce effective cleaning solution. 86 AED 25 Ltr.
Metal Brite - RXSOL-16-1011-025 Specially designed for removal of rust from any steel surface area also acts as rust proofing agent before the application of paint or coatings. It is non-flammable. Prevents further rusting. 148 AED 25 Ltr.
Distilled Water, Battery Grade - RXSOL-15-1104-025 For top up in inverter and all types of batteries also Add with coolant in radiator (as per ratio recommended) , and to keep stain free glass add in wiper tank of a car for cleaning windshield 58 AED 25 Ltr.
Muriatic Acid - RXSOL-22-2205-025 Muriatic acid in forms acidic mists. Muriatic Acid supplier and exporter. 135 AED 30 Kg.(Liq)
Air Cooler Cleaner 25 Ltr - RXSOL-16-0009-025 ACC9 AC coil cleaner is powerful solvent emulsion cleaner, easily dissolves soiled oil and grease deposit. Also helpful to clean all types of engine parts, turbo chargers of diesel engines. During the operation, the fins & tubes of the main engine air cooler which become fouled with oil, grease, dus 207 AED 25 Ltr.
T.POL Tech 25 Ltr - RXSOL-16-T300-025 Multi cleaner soap solution used as a common for home, institutes, plant and machinery. compatible with all type of surfaces. Suitable for commercial and industrial cleaning processes 90 AED 25 Ltr.
RXSOL 666 Tank cleaner - RXSOL-20-0666-050 Surfactant base highly concentrate Product specially designed to clean Tank Container , Cargo Tank which are carrying Heavy Aromatic , hydrocarbon solvent and, natural Latex etc. Rxsol 666 due to strong concentration provides a quick penetration and power 5044 AED 60 Kg.(Liq)
Moya Oil 25 Ltr - RXSOL-20-2023-025 Most economical way of cleaning small or large parts 90 AED 25 Ltr.
AQUATUFF - LIQUID 25 Ltr - RXSOL-22-3030-025 Very effective Emulsifier - Alkaline based cleaner with good high foaming nature for use in hold cleaning and general degreasing. its heavy molecular surfactants rapidly reacts with water and produce effective cleaning solution. 86 AED 25 Ltr.
Metal Brite - RXSOL-16-1011-025 Specially designed for removal of rust from any steel surface area also acts as rust proofing agent before the application of paint or coatings. It is non-flammable. Prevents further rusting. 148 AED 25 Ltr.
Air Cooler Cleaner 25 Ltr - RXSOL-16-0009-025 ACC9 AC coil cleaner is powerful solvent emulsion cleaner, easily dissolves soiled oil and grease deposit. Also helpful to clean all types of engine parts, turbo chargers of diesel engines. During the operation, the fins & tubes of the main engine air cooler which become fouled with oil, grease, dus 207 AED 25 Ltr.
T.POL Tech 25 Ltr - RXSOL-16-T300-025 Multi cleaner soap solution used as a common for home, institutes, plant and machinery. compatible with all type of surfaces. Suitable for commercial and industrial cleaning processes 90 AED 25 Ltr.
RXSOL 666 Tank cleaner - RXSOL-20-0666-050 Surfactant base highly concentrate Product specially designed to clean Tank Container , Cargo Tank which are carrying Heavy Aromatic , hydrocarbon solvent and, natural Latex etc. Rxsol 666 due to strong concentration provides a quick penetration and power 5044 AED 60 Kg.(Liq)
Moya Oil 25 Ltr - RXSOL-20-2023-025 Most economical way of cleaning small or large parts 90 AED 25 Ltr.
AQUATUFF - LIQUID 25 Ltr - RXSOL-22-3030-025 Very effective Emulsifier - Alkaline based cleaner with good high foaming nature for use in hold cleaning and general degreasing. its heavy molecular surfactants rapidly reacts with water and produce effective cleaning solution. 86 AED 25 Ltr.
Metal Brite - RXSOL-16-1011-025 Specially designed for removal of rust from any steel surface area also acts as rust proofing agent before the application of paint or coatings. It is non-flammable. Prevents further rusting. 148 AED 25 Ltr.
Air Cooler Cleaner 25 Ltr - RXSOL-16-0009-025 ACC9 AC coil cleaner is powerful solvent emulsion cleaner, easily dissolves soiled oil and grease deposit. Also helpful to clean all types of engine parts, turbo chargers of diesel engines. During the operation, the fins & tubes of the main engine air cooler which become fouled with oil, grease, dus 207 AED 25 Ltr.
T.POL Tech 25 Ltr - RXSOL-16-T300-025 Multi cleaner soap solution used as a common for home, institutes, plant and machinery. compatible with all type of surfaces. Suitable for commercial and industrial cleaning processes 90 AED 25 Ltr.
RXSOL 666 Tank cleaner - RXSOL-20-0666-050 Surfactant base highly concentrate Product specially designed to clean Tank Container , Cargo Tank which are carrying Heavy Aromatic , hydrocarbon solvent and, natural Latex etc. Rxsol 666 due to strong concentration provides a quick penetration and power 5044 AED 60 Kg.(Liq)
Moya Oil 25 Ltr - RXSOL-20-2023-025 Most economical way of cleaning small or large parts 90 AED 25 Ltr.
AQUATUFF - LIQUID 25 Ltr - RXSOL-22-3030-025 Very effective Emulsifier - Alkaline based cleaner with good high foaming nature for use in hold cleaning and general degreasing. its heavy molecular surfactants rapidly reacts with water and produce effective cleaning solution. 86 AED 25 Ltr.
Metal Brite - RXSOL-16-1011-025 Specially designed for removal of rust from any steel surface area also acts as rust proofing agent before the application of paint or coatings. It is non-flammable. Prevents further rusting. 148 AED 25 Ltr.
Air Cooler Cleaner 25 Ltr - RXSOL-16-0009-025 ACC9 AC coil cleaner is powerful solvent emulsion cleaner, easily dissolves soiled oil and grease deposit. Also helpful to clean all types of engine parts, turbo chargers of diesel engines. During the operation, the fins & tubes of the main engine air cooler which become fouled with oil, grease, dus 207 AED 25 Ltr.
T.POL Tech 25 Ltr - RXSOL-16-T300-025 Multi cleaner soap solution used as a common for home, institutes, plant and machinery. compatible with all type of surfaces. Suitable for commercial and industrial cleaning processes 90 AED 25 Ltr.
RXSOL 666 Tank cleaner - RXSOL-20-0666-050 Surfactant base highly concentrate Product specially designed to clean Tank Container , Cargo Tank which are carrying Heavy Aromatic , hydrocarbon solvent and, natural Latex etc. Rxsol 666 due to strong concentration provides a quick penetration and power 5044 AED 60 Kg.(Liq)
Moya Oil 25 Ltr - RXSOL-20-2023-025 Most economical way of cleaning small or large parts 90 AED 25 Ltr.
AQUATUFF - LIQUID 25 Ltr - RXSOL-22-3030-025 Very effective Emulsifier - Alkaline based cleaner with good high foaming nature for use in hold cleaning and general degreasing. its heavy molecular surfactants rapidly reacts with water and produce effective cleaning solution. 86 AED 25 Ltr.
Metal Brite - RXSOL-16-1011-025 Specially designed for removal of rust from any steel surface area also acts as rust proofing agent before the application of paint or coatings. It is non-flammable. Prevents further rusting. 148 AED 25 Ltr.
Air Cooler Cleaner 25 Ltr - RXSOL-16-0009-025 ACC9 AC coil cleaner is powerful solvent emulsion cleaner, easily dissolves soiled oil and grease deposit. Also helpful to clean all types of engine parts, turbo chargers of diesel engines. During the operation, the fins & tubes of the main engine air cooler which become fouled with oil, grease, dus 207 AED 25 Ltr.
T.POL Tech 25 Ltr - RXSOL-16-T300-025 Multi cleaner soap solution used as a common for home, institutes, plant and machinery. compatible with all type of surfaces. Suitable for commercial and industrial cleaning processes 90 AED 25 Ltr.
RXSOL 666 Tank cleaner - RXSOL-20-0666-050 Surfactant base highly concentrate Product specially designed to clean Tank Container , Cargo Tank which are carrying Heavy Aromatic , hydrocarbon solvent and, natural Latex etc. Rxsol 666 due to strong concentration provides a quick penetration and power 5044 AED 60 Kg.(Liq)
Moya Oil 25 Ltr - RXSOL-20-2023-025 Most economical way of cleaning small or large parts 90 AED 25 Ltr.
AQUATUFF - LIQUID 25 Ltr - RXSOL-22-3030-025 Very effective Emulsifier - Alkaline based cleaner with good high foaming nature for use in hold cleaning and general degreasing. its heavy molecular surfactants rapidly reacts with water and produce effective cleaning solution. 86 AED 25 Ltr.
Metal Brite - RXSOL-16-1011-025 Specially designed for removal of rust from any steel surface area also acts as rust proofing agent before the application of paint or coatings. It is non-flammable. Prevents further rusting. 148 AED 25 Ltr.
Calcium Hypochlorite Granuels 25 Kg - RXSOL-31-3028-025 RXSOL Calcium Hypochlorite is a widely used chlorine compound that is highly effective against bacteria, algae, slime, fungi and other harmful and objectionable micro-organisms. 360 AED 25 Kg.(PWD)
Air Cooler Cleaner 25 Ltr - RXSOL-16-0009-025 ACC9 AC coil cleaner is powerful solvent emulsion cleaner, easily dissolves soiled oil and grease deposit. Also helpful to clean all types of engine parts, turbo chargers of diesel engines. During the operation, the fins & tubes of the main engine air cooler which become fouled with oil, grease, dus 207 AED 25 Ltr.
T.POL Tech 25 Ltr - RXSOL-16-T300-025 Multi cleaner soap solution used as a common for home, institutes, plant and machinery. compatible with all type of surfaces. Suitable for commercial and industrial cleaning processes 90 AED 25 Ltr.
RXSOL 666 Tank cleaner - RXSOL-20-0666-050 Surfactant base highly concentrate Product specially designed to clean Tank Container , Cargo Tank which are carrying Heavy Aromatic , hydrocarbon solvent and, natural Latex etc. Rxsol 666 due to strong concentration provides a quick penetration and power 5044 AED 60 Kg.(Liq)
Moya Oil 25 Ltr - RXSOL-20-2023-025 Most economical way of cleaning small or large parts 90 AED 25 Ltr.
AQUATUFF - LIQUID 25 Ltr - RXSOL-22-3030-025 Very effective Emulsifier - Alkaline based cleaner with good high foaming nature for use in hold cleaning and general degreasing. its heavy molecular surfactants rapidly reacts with water and produce effective cleaning solution. 86 AED 25 Ltr.
Metal Brite - RXSOL-16-1011-025 Specially designed for removal of rust from any steel surface area also acts as rust proofing agent before the application of paint or coatings. It is non-flammable. Prevents further rusting. 148 AED 25 Ltr.
Hydrated Lime Food Grade - RXSOL-19-1637-050 Hydrated Lime Food Grade 30 AED 0 Kg.
Biological Guard Antifouling 210 Ltrs - RXSOL-40-4003-210 anti fungal based dispersing cleaner for the control of fouling by marine growth such as algae, shellfish, mussels, barnacles and micro-organisms and fungal growth in the sea water side of coolings systems. Due to its moleculer firm foaming properties, it 14248 AED 210 Kg.(PWD)
Air Cooler Cleaner 25 Ltr - RXSOL-16-0009-025 ACC9 AC coil cleaner is powerful solvent emulsion cleaner, easily dissolves soiled oil and grease deposit. Also helpful to clean all types of engine parts, turbo chargers of diesel engines. During the operation, the fins & tubes of the main engine air cooler which become fouled with oil, grease, dus 207 AED 25 Ltr.
T.POL Tech 25 Ltr - RXSOL-16-T300-025 Multi cleaner soap solution used as a common for home, institutes, plant and machinery. compatible with all type of surfaces. Suitable for commercial and industrial cleaning processes 90 AED 25 Ltr.
RXSOL 666 Tank cleaner - RXSOL-20-0666-050 Surfactant base highly concentrate Product specially designed to clean Tank Container , Cargo Tank which are carrying Heavy Aromatic , hydrocarbon solvent and, natural Latex etc. Rxsol 666 due to strong concentration provides a quick penetration and power 5044 AED 60 Kg.(Liq)
Moya Oil 25 Ltr - RXSOL-20-2023-025 Most economical way of cleaning small or large parts 90 AED 25 Ltr.
AQUATUFF - LIQUID 25 Ltr - RXSOL-22-3030-025 Very effective Emulsifier - Alkaline based cleaner with good high foaming nature for use in hold cleaning and general degreasing. its heavy molecular surfactants rapidly reacts with water and produce effective cleaning solution. 86 AED 25 Ltr.
Metal Brite - RXSOL-16-1011-025 Specially designed for removal of rust from any steel surface area also acts as rust proofing agent before the application of paint or coatings. It is non-flammable. Prevents further rusting. 148 AED 25 Ltr.
Dish Wash 5 Ltr - RXSOL-15-3007-005 It is Powerfull concentrate 2 in 1 Liquid also suitable for Suitable for cleaning dishes and exhast gas deposits. Excellent for sinks, basins, shower tubs etc 20 AED 5 Ltr.
Oven Cleaner - RXSOL-15-1102-001 Oven Cleaner 9 AED 1 Kg.
Floor Cleaner 5 Ltr - RXSOL-16-1015-005 Floor Cleaner 5 Ltr 186 AED 5 Ltr.
All Purpose Cleaner 1 Ltrs - RXSOL-12-1501-001 It is an exceptional solvency power on soiled & oily matter with good foaming qualities . It is free from hydrocarbon solvent , bio-degradable and can be used for all types of cleaning and degreasing and may be applied by brush , handspray , high and low pressure washing machines etc. Leave surface 4 AED 1 Ltr.
Fabrics Laundry Softner Fabsoft 1 LTRS - RXSOL-15-3009-001 Fab Soft makes all washables cloth soft and fluffy during laundering . Makes ironing easier and helps to eliminate chafing , static cling . Clothes stay fresh, wear longer and wrinkle less. it can be added at the beginning of the laundry cycle at the sam 80 AED 1 Ltr.
Air Cooler Cleaner 25 Ltr - RXSOL-16-0009-025 ACC9 AC coil cleaner is powerful solvent emulsion cleaner, easily dissolves soiled oil and grease deposit. Also helpful to clean all types of engine parts, turbo chargers of diesel engines. During the operation, the fins & tubes of the main engine air cooler which become fouled with oil, grease, dus 207 AED 25 Ltr.
T.POL Tech 25 Ltr - RXSOL-16-T300-025 Multi cleaner soap solution used as a common for home, institutes, plant and machinery. compatible with all type of surfaces. Suitable for commercial and industrial cleaning processes 90 AED 25 Ltr.
RXSOL 666 Tank cleaner - RXSOL-20-0666-050 Surfactant base highly concentrate Product specially designed to clean Tank Container , Cargo Tank which are carrying Heavy Aromatic , hydrocarbon solvent and, natural Latex etc. Rxsol 666 due to strong concentration provides a quick penetration and power 5044 AED 60 Kg.(Liq)
Moya Oil 25 Ltr - RXSOL-20-2023-025 Most economical way of cleaning small or large parts 90 AED 25 Ltr.
AQUATUFF - LIQUID 25 Ltr - RXSOL-22-3030-025 Very effective Emulsifier - Alkaline based cleaner with good high foaming nature for use in hold cleaning and general degreasing. its heavy molecular surfactants rapidly reacts with water and produce effective cleaning solution. 86 AED 25 Ltr.
Metal Brite - RXSOL-16-1011-025 Specially designed for removal of rust from any steel surface area also acts as rust proofing agent before the application of paint or coatings. It is non-flammable. Prevents further rusting. 148 AED 25 Ltr.
Air Cooler Cleaner 25 Ltr - RXSOL-16-0009-025 ACC9 AC coil cleaner is powerful solvent emulsion cleaner, easily dissolves soiled oil and grease deposit. Also helpful to clean all types of engine parts, turbo chargers of diesel engines. During the operation, the fins & tubes of the main engine air cooler which become fouled with oil, grease, dus 207 AED 25 Ltr.
T.POL Tech 25 Ltr - RXSOL-16-T300-025 Multi cleaner soap solution used as a common for home, institutes, plant and machinery. compatible with all type of surfaces. Suitable for commercial and industrial cleaning processes 90 AED 25 Ltr.
RXSOL 666 Tank cleaner - RXSOL-20-0666-050 Surfactant base highly concentrate Product specially designed to clean Tank Container , Cargo Tank which are carrying Heavy Aromatic , hydrocarbon solvent and, natural Latex etc. Rxsol 666 due to strong concentration provides a quick penetration and power 5044 AED 60 Kg.(Liq)
Moya Oil 25 Ltr - RXSOL-20-2023-025 Most economical way of cleaning small or large parts 90 AED 25 Ltr.
AQUATUFF - LIQUID 25 Ltr - RXSOL-22-3030-025 Very effective Emulsifier - Alkaline based cleaner with good high foaming nature for use in hold cleaning and general degreasing. its heavy molecular surfactants rapidly reacts with water and produce effective cleaning solution. 86 AED 25 Ltr.
Metal Brite - RXSOL-16-1011-025 Specially designed for removal of rust from any steel surface area also acts as rust proofing agent before the application of paint or coatings. It is non-flammable. Prevents further rusting. 148 AED 25 Ltr.
Descaling Liquid 25 Ltrs - RXSOL-11-1008-025 Scales are damaging the boiler because they interfere with the heat transfer and can lead to overheating and eventually, boiler rupture , To increas usable life of cleaned equipment , it is safe and effective way to remove scale deposits from all 112 AED 25 Ltr.
Filter Cleaner - RXSOL-16-1074-025 Powerful cleaner to treat metal and ceramic oil filters, which suffer from oil depositions, carbonized oil accumulation and sludge. Heavy duty liquid , which is Extremely and effectively removes tenacious carbon deposits, burnt grease, Oily residues and l 166 AED 25 Ltr.
Electro Cleaner Electrical Parts Cleaner - RXSOL-16-1093-025 Super Degreasing power with surfactants which eliminates Cleaning Degreasing and rust removal from electrical equipment. 261 AED 25 Ltr.
Drilling Liquid Synergistic Polymer - RXSOL-81-8133-210 It is essentially a broad application Fluid Loss Control agent that can be used in virtually all water based mud Systems in the presence of contaminants. It is a synthetically formulated Resin and lignite complex . 2156 AED 210 Ltr.
BITUMEN PAINT - Rxsol-18-1017-020 A multi purpose bituminous product supplied in a paint consistency. Applicable as an adhesive primer, coating or for tree surgery. Good water, acid and alkali resistance. Suitable for protection of galvanised iron gutters, downpipes, metal railings and 956 AED 20 Ltr.
Potable Water Test Kit - RXSOL-62-6538-001 RXSOL POTABLE WATER TEST KIT is a monitoring kit enabling shipboard personnel to regularly test the drinking water onboard to help determine whether it is suitable for drinking. 504 AED 1 Complete S
Glycerine - RXSOL-19-1197-025 Glycerol is a simple polyol compound. It is a colorless, odorless, viscous liquid 225 AED 25 Ltr.
Sodium Lactate - RXSOL-19-1995-050 Sodium Lactate 60% 130 AED 50 Kg.
ISO PROPYL ALCOHOL IPA - RXSOL-19-1340-025 Important solvent as eletrical parts cleaner 207 AED 25 Ltr.
PROPYLENE GLYCOL I. P. food grade - RXSOL-19-1615-025 Propylene glycol, also called 1,2-propanediol or propane-1,2-diol, is an organic compound with formula C3H8O2 333 AED 25 Ltr.
Citric Acid Powder - RXSOL-41-8926-025 Citric Acid also used as cleaning agent... 180 AED 25 Kg.(PWD)
DI Water Tech Grade 25 Ltr - RXSOL-16-2203-025 Free from HYDROCARBON & CHLORIDE 58 AED 25 Ltr.
Air Cooler Cleaner 25 Ltr - RXSOL-16-0009-025 ACC9 AC coil cleaner is powerful solvent emulsion cleaner, easily dissolves soiled oil and grease deposit. Also helpful to clean all types of engine parts, turbo chargers of diesel engines. During the operation, the fins & tubes of the main engine air cooler which become fouled with oil, grease, dus 207 AED 25 Ltr.
Enviro Cleaner - RXSOL-20-3001-025 Engine room and deck cleaning and degreasing chemical which is very effective to dissolve oil grease deposits and spill parts. 112 AED 25 Ltr.
Carbon Remover 25 Ltrs - RXSOL-16-1003-025 Concentrated RXSOL-16-1003-025 is most effective product in its category due to its quick and complete action. can be applied for cleaning of highly soiled components. blocks, gear boxes, pistons, rings, valves, atomizers, pipes, burners, coolers, cylind 180 AED 25 Ltr.
Descaling Liquid 25 Ltrs - RXSOL-11-1008-025 Scales are damaging the boiler because they interfere with the heat transfer and can lead to overheating and eventually, boiler rupture , To increas usable life of cleaned equipment , it is safe and effective way to remove scale deposits from all 112 AED 25 Ltr.
AQUATUFF - LIQUID 25 Ltr - RXSOL-22-3030-025 Very effective Emulsifier - Alkaline based cleaner with good high foaming nature for use in hold cleaning and general degreasing. its heavy molecular surfactants rapidly reacts with water and produce effective cleaning solution. 86 AED 25 Ltr.
Tank Cleaner TTC HD 25 Ltr - RXSOL-20-2001-025 Quickly removes oil, grease, gimres, adhesive and dyes. Best results also achieved forcleaning of oil side of fuel and lube oil heat exchangers. 180 AED 25 Ltr.
Kerosene - RXSOL-19-1208-025 Kerosene 135 AED 25 Ltr.
Soft Soap 25 Ltrs - RXSOL-12-1505-025 A semi-liquid soap for general cleaning. Made from vegetable oil mixed with soap and can be used when mixed with water for cleaning painted surfaces, woodworking and for general deck cleaning. 104 AED 25 Ltr.
Hydrochloric Acid Conc Pure and Colourless - RXSOL-16-1101-050 Hydrochloric Acid Conc 50 Ltr 250 AED 50 Ltr.
LYE Sodium Hydroxide Liquid 220 ( Liq ) - RXSOL-19-1308-210 Sodium Hydroxide Liquid General Use: Drinking water treatment, papermaking and other manufacturing applications, Detergent and soap industries etc. 170 AED 35 Kg.(Liq)
Sodium Meta Bi Sulphate Pwd. - RXSOL-40-4052-025 Sodium Meta Bi Sulphate Pwd. 180 AED 25 Kg.(PWD)
Sulfuric Acid 98% 500 ml - RXSOL-60-6114-500 Sulfuric Acid 98% 11 AED 500 Bottle Liq

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We are one of largest marine chemical manufacturing company in Asia. Our specialization in marine, oil field, shipping industry. Since 1995 our group team continiously developing our product to achieve best in quality and services. Specially in shipping industries we make our position on TOP among all supplier. All shipchandler and shipping company of UAE - Middle East are well known to us and DUBI CHEM Marine International have more then 1800 global regular client to achieve our monthly target more then 360 MT .   DUBI Chem Marine International have very strong distribution network as well in INDIA also to complete supply directly on ship vessel - (Kandla,Mundra,Sikka) , (Mumbai,JNPT,Goa,Manglore) , (Vizag-Visakhapatnam,Gangavaram) , (Chennai,Ennore,Kochin) , ( Kolkata, Haldia, Paradip ) etc... For INDIA supply directly mail us on [email protected] or feel free to call us 0091-9821214367 ...

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