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Gypsum Powder

Packing Sizes: 

Gypsum is chemically Calcium sulfate dihydrate, CaSO4⋅2H2O, Available in 25, 30, 50 Kg pack

The Gypsum stone Powder is a mineral formed by di-hidrated calcium sulphate. In its crystalline structure there are two water molecules by one of calcium sulphate. Put under calcination (120-160 ºC), it releases part of the crystal water, obtaining itself a semihydrate of calcium sulphate or “burnt gypsum”, that being mixed with water, is solidified again and crystallized, reconstituting the original rock in its natural state. The plaster is a gypsum variant, finer, white and of greater hardness than normal gypsum, employed like material of ornamentation and with other stucco additives. 

Product Application: 
Use to manufacture gypsum panel or building plasters
Use to make gypsum mold or statutes
As grout of marble, clay and ceiling tiles
As a color additive
Act as additive to other products
Product Dose: 

Product Note: 

Handlng and Storage :

Respiratory   protection :If dusting occurs use approved respirator to eliminate exposure.
Ventilation : Exhaust fan recommended in  controlling any dusting.
Eye protection : Splash goggles recommended where dusting is expected.
Spills : Avoid creating dust when cleaning up. Scoop, shovel or sweep    to labeled  containers for recycling/salvage if not contaminated by other material.
Storage :Keep containers tightly closed, when not using the product.Store in a cool and dry area. Store in original packages as approved by manufacturer. Store away from mineral acids and strongly alkaline solutions
Product Technical Specification: 

Technical Properties :

Form         Powder
Colour White / Cream
Odour Odourless
Odor Threshold No Information Available
pH Not Applicable
Melting Point 1559.85°C
Density 2.96
GYPSUM POWDER High Whiteness Premium International Quality exporter and supplier in Kenya Nairobi Africa, Gulf Middle East Dubai Sharjah, Abudhabi, Ajman, Fujairah, Mussafah UAE. RXSOL GYPSUM standard range also available in Muscat Barka Oman.

GYPSUM POWDER available in two sizes: 100 and 200 mesh.
QUALITY GYPSUM producing High strength
PURE Gypsum releasing High whiteness
GYPSUM speciality is for Low moisture absorption
RXSOL Gypsum Powder manufacturer supplier exporter in UAE Middle East


Gypsum has many application. some of as below :

Drilling Fluids :
The chemical CaSO4, which occurs naturally as the mineral anhydrite. Gypsum is the dihydrate mineral form, CaSO4·2H2O. Anhydrite and gypsum (commonly called gyp) are found in the subsurface and drilling even small stringers of these minerals can upset a freshwater or seawater mud. Gyp muds, lime muds and oil muds tolerate these salts best. CaSO4 is used as a mud treatment when no pH increase is needed to remove carbonate ion contamination in freshwater and seawater muds. (Lime increases pH when added for this purpose.) Gypsum and lime treatments are often used together to keep pH in the proper range.

Fertililizer / Agriculture :
Calcium sulfate dihydrate or more commonly known “Gypsum” has been used as an economical fertilizer for more than 200 years Gypsum helps plants build extensive root systems to support the plants and their yields through stressful conditions.

Use in Dry Walls
Drywall is created out of gypsum powder. This powder is led towards evaporation of most of its content of water and carbon dioxide to be converted to Calcium Sulfate Hemihydrate (also known as Plaster of Paris). Plaster of Paris converts back to CalciumSulfateDihydrate when it is mixed back with water. Such slurry is transferred to space between two hard sheets of heavy paper. It is flattened and allowed to set for forming drywall. The resulting drywall is subject to further drying, cutting, finishing and packaging for sale. Dry walls made of gypsum powder are thermal resistant and fire resistant, provides sound insulation, is durable and easy to repair. Drywall can assume many finishes such as paint, texturing or wallpaper. One 4 by 8-foot drywall panel of half-inch thickness weighs around 54 pounds. Dry walls are used for ceilings and finishing of internal walls.

Other Application
Gypsum is widely used in manufacturing of cement. It acts as retarder, controlling the setting time of cement. Gypsum free from coloring matter and of high purity is used in manufacturing of white cement.
Gypsum in manufacturing of ammonium sulphate.
In the manufacturing of P.O.P., ceramics and distemper gypsum of transparent variety is used. Surgical plasters also require gypsum having purity of 90 %.
It is also used as soil conditioner for absorption of moisture and nitrogen. It is utilized for carving and statuary purposes.
Large quantity of gypsum is used in the manufacturing of , partition blocks, tiles, stucco etc.

#MarineChemical #TankCleaner #OilFieldChemical #ChemicalManufacturer #ChemicalSupplier #WaterTreatmentChemical #ROchemicals #ReverseOsmosisChemical #Dispersant
#Demulsifier #WaterlessHandCleaner #AirCoolerCleaner #CarbonRemover #ScaleRemover #ActivatedAlumina #ActivatedCarbon #SilicaGel #Degreaser_Biodegradable
#DieselExhaustFluid #BlueLiquid #ToiletBlueWater_Juice #RigWash #OxygenScavenger #CoolingWaterTreatment #RoccorNB #CorrosionInhibitor #CalciumChloride #DIwater
#AlumPowder #MagnesiumSulphate #SodaAsh #SulfamicAcid #PotassiumChloride

Gypsum stockist and supplier in Dubai, Sharjah, Ajman, Abudhabi, UAE Middle East, Gulf, Mumbai, Gandhidham, CHennai, Vizag, Kolkata, Barka Muscat Sohar, Oman, Nairobi Kenya, Canada

Free Delivery / Supply Locations : 
Oman, Bahrain, Abu Dhabi, Ajman, Al Ain, Dubai, Ras Al-Khaimah, Ras al Khaimah, Fujairah, Sharjah, Umm Al Quwain, Fujairah, Ruwais, Mina (Port) Zayed, Khalifa Port, Kizad, Port Rashid, Jebel Ali Port, DP WORLD, Jebel Ali Free Zone, Khor Fakkan Container Terminal, Port Rashid, Jebel Ali Port, Mina Kalid Port, Khor Fhakan Port ( Khawr Fakkan, Khawr al-Fakkan ), Sharjah Creek, Ajman, Port of Hamriyah, Mina Zayed Port, Mussafah port, Khalifa Port, Umm al-Nar Port, Um Al Quwain Port, Saqr Port, Port of Fujairah, Dibba Port, Jebel Dhanna, Mina Al Hamriya, Mina Rashid, All United Arab Emirates

About Us

We are one of largest marine chemical manufacturing company in Asia. Our specialization in marine, oil field, shipping industry. Since 1995 our group team continiously developing our product to achieve best in quality and services. Specially in shipping industries we make our position on TOP among all supplier. All shipchandler and shipping company of UAE - Middle East are well known to us and DUBI CHEM Marine International have more then 1800 global regular client to achieve our monthly target more then 360 MT .   DUBI Chem Marine International have very strong distribution network as well in INDIA also to complete supply directly on ship vessel - (Kandla,Mundra,Sikka) , (Mumbai,JNPT,Goa,Manglore) , (Vizag-Visakhapatnam,Gangavaram) , (Chennai,Ennore,Kochin) , ( Kolkata, Haldia, Paradip ) etc... For INDIA supply directly mail us on [email protected] or feel free to call us 0091-9821214367 ...

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Address : الحيل Plot no. 37A, block -L, Next to GULF Ready Mix Al Hayl Industrial Area - Fujairah - United Arab Emirates