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Packing Sizes: 

Na2CO3 is a sodium salt of carbonic acid packed in 25 Kg and 50 kg packed.

Sodium carbonate (also known as Carbonato Di Sodio), Na2CO3 is a sodium salt of carbonic acid. It most commonly occurs as a crystalline heptahydrate, which readily effloresces to form a white powder . Sodium carbonate is domestically well known for its everyday use as a water softener.

Product Application: 

Sodium carbonate is  used as a relatively strong base in various settings. For example, sodium carbonate is used as a pH regulator to maintain stable alkaline conditions necessary for the action of the majority of photographic film developing developing agents.
It is a common additive in municipal pools used to neutralize the acidic effects of chlorine and raise pH. In chemistry, it is often used as an electrolyte. This is because electrolytes are usually salt-based, and sodium carbonate acts as a very good conductor in the process of electrolysis. In addition, unlike chloride ions, which form chlorine gas, carbonate ions are not corrosive to the anodes. It is also used as a primary standard for acid-base titrations because it is solid and air-stable, making it easy to weigh accurately.

Product Dose: 

In domestic use, it is used as a water softener during laundry. It competes with the magnesium and calcium ions in hard water and prevents them from bonding with the detergent being used. Without using washing soda, additional detergent is needed to soak up the magnesium and calcium ions. Called washing soda, soda crystals, or sal soda in the detergent section of stores, it effectively removes oil, grease, and alcohol stains. Sodium carbonate is also used as a descaling agent in boilers such as those found in coffee pots, espresso machines, etc.
In dyeing with fiber-reactive dyes, sodium carbonate is used to ensure proper chemical bonding of the dye with cellulose (plant) fibers, typically before dyeing (for tie dyes), mixed with the dye (for dye painting), or after dyeing (for immersion dyeing).
Sodium carbonate is also used in the production of sherbet powder. The cooling and fizzing sensation results from the endothermic reaction between sodium carbonate and a weak acid, commonly citric acid, releasing carbon dioxide gas, which occurs when the sherbet is moistened by saliva.
Sodium carbonate is used by the brick industry as a wetting agent to reduce the amount of water needed to extrude the clay.
In casting, it is referred to as "bonding agent" and is used to allow wet alginate to adhere to gelled alginate.
Sodium carbonate is used in toothpastes, where it acts as a foaming agent and an abrasive, and to temporarily increase mouth pH.
Sodium carbonate is used to create the photo process known as reticulation.
Sodium carbonate, in a solution with common salt, may be used for cleaning silver. In a non-reactive container (glass, plastic or ceramic) aluminium foil and the silver object are immersed in the hot salt solution. The elevated pH dissolves the aluminium oxide layer on the foil and enables an electrolytic cell to be established . Hydrogen ions produced by this reaction reduce the sulphide ions on the silver restoring silver metal. The sulphide can be released as small amounts of hydrogen sulphide. Rinsing and gently polishing the silver restores a highly polished condition.

Product Note: 

Product Technical Specification: 



CAS number


EC number




Molecular formula


Molar mass

105.9784 g/mol


White solid, hygroscopic




2.54 g/cm3

Melting point

851 °C

Boiling point

1633 °C

Solubility in water

7 g/100 mL        (0 °C)
21.6 g/100 mL (20 °C)
450 g/L          (100 °C)


Insoluble in ethanol, acetone

Basicity (pKb)


Refractive index (nD)


EU classification

Irritant (Xi)




(S2), S22, S26

NFPA 704

0 1 1

Flash point



4090 mg/kg (rat, oral)



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Soda Ash Supplier in Mumbai, Kandla - Gandhidham, Kolkata, Chennai, Visakhapatnam, Fujarah, Oman, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah.

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Oman, Bahrain, Abu Dhabi, Ajman, Al Ain, Dubai, Ras Al-Khaimah, Ras al Khaimah, Fujairah, Sharjah, Umm Al Quwain, Fujairah, Ruwais, Mina (Port) Zayed, Khalifa Port, Kizad, Port Rashid, Jebel Ali Port, DP WORLD, Jebel Ali Free Zone, Khor Fakkan Container Terminal, Port Rashid, Jebel Ali Port, Mina Kalid Port, Khor Fhakan Port ( Khawr Fakkan, Khawr al-Fakkan ), Sharjah Creek, Ajman, Port of Hamriyah, Mina Zayed Port, Mussafah port, Khalifa Port, Umm al-Nar Port, Um Al Quwain Port, Saqr Port, Port of Fujairah, Dibba Port, Jebel Dhanna, Mina Al Hamriya, Mina Rashid, All United Arab Emirates

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We are one of largest marine chemical manufacturing company in Asia. Our specialization in marine, oil field, shipping industry. Since 1995 our group team continiously developing our product to achieve best in quality and services. Specially in shipping industries we make our position on TOP among all supplier. All shipchandler and shipping company of UAE - Middle East are well known to us and DUBI CHEM Marine International have more then 1800 global regular client to achieve our monthly target more then 360 MT .   DUBI Chem Marine International have very strong distribution network as well in INDIA also to complete supply directly on ship vessel - (Kandla,Mundra,Sikka) , (Mumbai,JNPT,Goa,Manglore) , (Vizag-Visakhapatnam,Gangavaram) , (Chennai,Ennore,Kochin) , ( Kolkata, Haldia, Paradip ) etc... For INDIA supply directly mail us on [email protected] or feel free to call us 0091-9821214367 ...

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