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Dubi Chem: The Pinnacle of Diethylene Glycol Innovation in UAE

Dubi Chem, rooted in the heart of the UAE, has consistently stamped its authority as the premier Diethylene glycol supplier, manufacturer, and distributor. A name synonymous with excellence, innovation, and trustworthiness, Dubi Chem has etched its identity deep within the industrial fabric of the Middle East and the world beyond.

The Core of Diethylene Glycol

  • CAS NO: 111-46-6
  • Formula: C4H10O3

Product Description
Diethylene glycol, a prized offering from Dubi Chem, is a clear, odorless, hygroscopic liquid. This compound, with its vast industrial significance, has been perfected in Dubi Chem’s state-of-the-art labs, ensuring consistent quality and unmatched purity.

Usage & Application
Diethylene glycol, with its intrinsic properties, has a plethora of applications:

  • Industrial Solvent: For resins, dyes, and oils.
  • Dehydrating Agent: In gas pipelines.
  • Humectant: For tobacco, cork, printing ink.
  • Coolant: In cooling systems and hydraulic brakes.

Product Parameters

  • Grade Standard: Superior industrial grade to meet diverse needs.
  • Certification: Proudly certified by international standards.
  • Purity: Over 99%, a testimony to our commitment.
  • Appearance: Clear, hygroscopic liquid.

The Dubi Chem Distinction

  • End-to-end Solutions: From manufacturing to logistics.
  • Unwavering Commitment: To quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction.
  • Global Recognition: As leaders in the Diethylene glycol niche.

Our Manufacturing Potency
Nestled within the UAE's industrial corridors, our manufacturing facilities are a blend of modern machinery and scientific acumen, ensuring our production rates are unmatched and timely.

Our Relentless Pursuit of Quality
Quality is the backbone of Dubi Chem. Our Diethylene glycol undergoes rigorous testing, ensuring every drop aligns with global standards.

Customized Solutions for Modern Needs
Dubi Chem isn’t just a supplier; we’re solution providers. Our teams liaise with industries, understanding needs, and crafting bespoke solutions.

Dubi Chem - A Saga of Excellence
Born out of passion and a vision to excel, Dubi Chem, over the years, has evolved from a regional player to a global powerhouse in the chemical industry.

Packing and Transit
Our Diethylene glycol is meticulously packed, ensuring it retains its properties during storage and transit. With strategic logistical partners, we guarantee deliveries that are both prompt and safe.

Physical Properties of Diethylene Glycol

  • Boiling Point: 245°C
  • Density: 1.118 g/cm³
  • Melting Point: -10°C
  • Flash Point: 124°C

Storage Directives
Store in cool, ventilated areas away from open flames or high temperatures. Ensure containers are tightly sealed.

Our Gold-standard Quality Inspection
Every batch of Diethylene glycol passing through Dubi Chem doors undergoes stringent quality checks, ensuring only the best reaches our clients.

The Infrastructure Marvel
Our expansive facility is a testament to modern engineering and innovation, reflecting our status as industry leaders.

Payment, Port & Trade
Offering a plethora of payment options including L/C, T/T, etc., Dubi Chem ensures flexibility for its clients. Located strategically near the Jebel Ali port, our export-import activities are seamless.

Our Global Footprint
While our roots lie deep within the UAE, Dubi Chem’s branches span across global capitals. From Riyadh, Doha, Mumbai to Paris, London, and New York, our products and services are sought after by industries far and wide.

Dubi Chem isn't merely a chemical supplier; it's a legacy. A legacy of unparalleled quality, unmatched service, and undying commitment to innovation. As the world marches forward, the industrial landscape evolves. Amidst this evolution, Dubi Chem stands tall, not just as a witness but as a beacon guiding industries towards excellence. With each drop of Diethylene glycol, we don't just deliver a chemical; we deliver a promise - a promise of quality, reliability, and trust. As we look ahead, one fact remains unwavering - wherever there's a need for superior quality Diethylene glycol, Dubi Chem will be there, leading, serving, and excelling.
For inquiries and orders, please get in touch with us at Email- [email protected]

Dubi Chem: The Pinnacle of Diethylene Glycol Innovation in UAE

Dubi Chem, rooted in the heart of the UAE, has consistently stamped its authority as the premier Diethylene glycol supplier, manufacturer, and distributor. A name synonymous with excellence, innovation, and trustworthiness, Dubi Chem has etched its identity deep within the industrial fabric of the Middle East and the world beyond.

The Core of Diethylene Glycol

  • CAS NO: 111-46-6
  • Formula: C4H10O3

Product Description
Diethylene glycol, a prized offering from Dubi Chem, is a clear, odorless, hygroscopic liquid. This compound, with its vast industrial significance, has been perfected in Dubi Chem’s state-of-the-art labs, ensuring consistent quality and unmatched purity.

Usage & Application
Diethylene glycol, with its intrinsic properties, has a plethora of applications:

  • Industrial Solvent: For resins, dyes, and oils.
  • Dehydrating Agent: In gas pipelines.
  • Humectant: For tobacco, cork, printing ink.
  • Coolant: In cooling systems and hydraulic brakes.

Product Parameters

  • Grade Standard: Superior industrial grade to meet diverse needs.
  • Certification: Proudly certified by international standards.
  • Purity: Over 99%, a testimony to our commitment.
  • Appearance: Clear, hygroscopic liquid.

The Dubi Chem Distinction

  • End-to-end Solutions: From manufacturing to logistics.
  • Unwavering Commitment: To quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction.
  • Global Recognition: As leaders in the Diethylene glycol niche.

Our Manufacturing Potency
Nestled within the UAE's industrial corridors, our manufacturing facilities are a blend of modern machinery and scientific acumen, ensuring our production rates are unmatched and timely.

Our Relentless Pursuit of Quality
Quality is the backbone of Dubi Chem. Our Diethylene glycol undergoes rigorous testing, ensuring every drop aligns with global standards.

Customized Solutions for Modern Needs
Dubi Chem isn’t just a supplier; we’re solution providers. Our teams liaise with industries, understanding needs, and crafting bespoke solutions.

Dubi Chem - A Saga of Excellence
Born out of passion and a vision to excel, Dubi Chem, over the years, has evolved from a regional player to a global powerhouse in the chemical industry.

Packing and Transit
Our Diethylene glycol is meticulously packed, ensuring it retains its properties during storage and transit. With strategic logistical partners, we guarantee deliveries that are both prompt and safe.

Physical Properties of Diethylene Glycol

  • Boiling Point: 245°C
  • Density: 1.118 g/cm³
  • Melting Point: -10°C
  • Flash Point: 124°C

Storage Directives
Store in cool, ventilated areas away from open flames or high temperatures. Ensure containers are tightly sealed.

Our Gold-standard Quality Inspection
Every batch of Diethylene glycol passing through Dubi Chem doors undergoes stringent quality checks, ensuring only the best reaches our clients.

The Infrastructure Marvel
Our expansive facility is a testament to modern engineering and innovation, reflecting our status as industry leaders.

Payment, Port & Trade
Offering a plethora of payment options including L/C, T/T, etc., Dubi Chem ensures flexibility for its clients. Located strategically near the Jebel Ali port, our export-import activities are seamless.

Our Global Footprint
While our roots lie deep within the UAE, Dubi Chem’s branches span across global capitals. From Riyadh, Doha, Mumbai to Paris, London, and New York, our products and services are sought after by industries far and wide.

Dubi Chem isn't merely a chemical supplier; it's a legacy. A legacy of unparalleled quality, unmatched service, and undying commitment to innovation. As the world marches forward, the industrial landscape evolves. Amidst this evolution, Dubi Chem stands tall, not just as a witness but as a beacon guiding industries towards excellence. With each drop of Diethylene glycol, we don't just deliver a chemical; we deliver a promise - a promise of quality, reliability, and trust. As we look ahead, one fact remains unwavering - wherever there's a need for superior quality Diethylene glycol, Dubi Chem will be there, leading, serving, and excelling.

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About Us

We are one of largest marine chemical manufacturing company in Asia. Our specialization in marine, oil field, shipping industry. Since 1995 our group team continiously developing our product to achieve best in quality and services. Specially in shipping industries we make our position on TOP among all supplier. All shipchandler and shipping company of UAE - Middle East are well known to us and DUBI CHEM Marine International have more then 1800 global regular client to achieve our monthly target more then 360 MT .   DUBI Chem Marine International have very strong distribution network as well in INDIA also to complete supply directly on ship vessel - (Kandla,Mundra,Sikka) , (Mumbai,JNPT,Goa,Manglore) , (Vizag-Visakhapatnam,Gangavaram) , (Chennai,Ennore,Kochin) , ( Kolkata, Haldia, Paradip ) etc... For INDIA supply directly mail us on [email protected] or feel free to call us 0091-9821214367 ...

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Call Us : +971 9 2242524 / 09 2242534
Support:+971 9 2235488

Email : dubichemical @ ( Only for Customer )

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Business WhatsApp ::: +971 56 108 1115 


Address : الحيل Plot no. 37A, block -L, Next to GULF Ready Mix Al Hayl Industrial Area - Fujairah - United Arab Emirates