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RIGS Oil Field

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Rig Wash Liquid Concentrate

RXSOL-16-1014-025 Specially designed to used in any pressure washing machine range or mopping. Its High penetration formula deep into recesses and crevice of equipment and machinery to chase out soils without disassembling. The resultant run-off will not harm tarmac or a View Details >>

Rig Wash Liquid

RXSOL-16-1042-025 Rig Wash cleaner is bio degradable eco friendly Solvent free cleaning detergent, specialized for cleaning of RIGS oil field platform and machinery workshops, machinery and accessory parts. View Details >>

Rig Wash Green 25 Ltr

RXSOL-16-1043-025 Its grease CUTTER and wetting agents ingredients makes This product excellent chemical cleaning action and does an excellent job without leaving any film or residue to recollect dirt, grease or grime . View Details >>

Rig Wash Citrus Formula 25 Ltr

RXSOL-16-1045-025 heavy duty emulsifier based cleaner , specially formulated for all types of water condition even with HARD WATER and for use with high presure cleanig machines. Ideal for difficult cleaning problems faced in industrial and other plants. Its grease CUTT View Details >>


RXSOL-19-1136-025 DIPA chemical is used as part of Sulfinol solution for acid gas removal in Hydrogen plant to remove mainly H2S amd CO2. View Details >>

Rig Wash Powder

RXSOL-16-1044-007 Very effective and suitable for DEGREASING and for manual wash . Formulated with with Emulsifier, Softening agent and pleasant fragrance to ensure complete clean surface. This product is also containing corrosion inhibitors to fight against rust . View Details >>

CTC Volc Cleaner 20 Ltrs

RXSOL-20-2028-020 Very strong Tank cleaner and emulsifier View Details >>

TPOL Heavy Duty 25 Ltr

RXSOL-20-T300-025 RXSOL-20-T-300-25 is a superior & powerful alkaline cleaner containing corrosion inhibitors to prevents the corrosion of metals . It is low toxic product with an exceptional solvency power on soil & oily matter & having good foaming qualities. It is fr View Details >>

Alkaleen Tank Clean Safety

RXSOL-20-2004-035 Non Caustic high quality product classified as a vegetable oil, animal oil, fat, fuel oil, lube oil and pet coke residues general remover/cleaner applied to cargo and storage tanks as well as to other systems. View Details >>

Air Cooler Cleaning Chemical LT

RXSOL-16-1049-025 Solvent emulsion cleaner for cleaning of Air coolers, Scavenging air systems and turbochargers of diesel engine. View Details >>

Rig Wash Liquid Concentrate

RXSOL-16-1014-210 Specially designed to used in any pressure washing machine range or mopping. Its High penetration formula deep into recesses and crevice of equipment and machinery to chase out soils without disassembling. The resultant run-off will not harm tarmac or a View Details >>

Rig Wash Powder

RXSOL-16-1044-025 Very effective and suitable for DEGREASING and for manual wash . Formulated with with Emulsifier, Softening agent and pleasant fragrance to ensure complete clean surface. This product is also containing corrosion inhibitors to fight against rust. View Details >>

Rig Wash Green 210 Ltr

RXSOL-16-1043-210 Specially formulated for all types of water condition even with HARD WATER and for use with high presure cleanig machines. Ideal for difficult cleaning problems faced in industrial and other plants. Its grease CUTTER and wetting agents ingredients makes View Details >>

Rig Wash Citrus Formula

RXSOL-16-1045-210 Pleasant citrus based product contains effective grease cutter ingredient which is also effective with hard water. Excellent chemical cleaning action result without leaving any film or residue to recollect dirt, grease or grime . View Details >> DEGREASER, RIGWASH CITRUS FORMULA

Rig Wash Liquid

RXSOL-16-1042-210 ALKALINE CLEANER DEGREASER CONCENTRATE for rigs cleaning. It is a emulsifier with powerful penetrating detergent, corrosion inhibitors and surfactants. Quickly emulsifiy removes oil, grease, gimres etc View Details >> Detergent, Rigs Cleaner, Rig Wash in UAE, Rig Wash in Oman

About Us

We are one of largest marine chemical manufacturing company in Asia. Our specialization in marine, oil field, shipping industry. Since 1995 our group team continiously developing our product to achieve best in quality and services. Specially in shipping industries we make our position on TOP among all supplier. All shipchandler and shipping company of UAE - Middle East are well known to us and DUBI CHEM Marine International have more then 1800 global regular client to achieve our monthly target more then 360 MT .   DUBI Chem Marine International have very strong distribution network as well in INDIA also to complete supply directly on ship vessel - (Kandla,Mundra,Sikka) , (Mumbai,JNPT,Goa,Manglore) , (Vizag-Visakhapatnam,Gangavaram) , (Chennai,Ennore,Kochin) , ( Kolkata, Haldia, Paradip ) etc... For INDIA supply directly mail us on [email protected] or feel free to call us 0091-9821214367 ...

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Address : الحيل Plot no. 37A, block -L, Next to GULF Ready Mix Al Hayl Industrial Area - Fujairah - United Arab Emirates