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Dubi Chem: Pioneering Acrylic Acid Supply in UAE

From the vast dunes of the UAE to the high-rises of Dubai, a silent revolution has been brewing in the world of chemicals. Dubi Chem, a front-runner in this revolution, has firmly entrenched itself as the leading supplier, manufacturer, and distributor of Acrylic Acid in the UAE. With an expansive footprint, stretching across the Middle East to the bustling streets of global metropolises, Dubi Chem is more than just a chemical company - it's a symbol of innovation, reliability, and international prowess.

CAS NO: 79-10-7
Formula: C3H4O2

Product Description
Acrylic Acid, an invaluable organic compound, is a colorless liquid known for its pungent smell. It's a pivotal precursor in producing superabsorbent polymers. At Dubi Chem, this compound is synthesized with impeccable precision, ensuring unmatched purity and top-notch quality.

Usage and Application
Dubi Chem's Acrylic Acid is utilized across various industries:

  • Industrial Use: Vital for creating coatings, adhesives, and elastomers.
  • Textiles: Enhances fabric treatment processes.
  • Agriculture: Integral in formulating soil conditioners.
  • Consumer Goods: Commonly found in many household detergents.
  • Personal Care: Essential for products like adult diapers and baby nappies.

Product Parameters
Grade Standard: Pharmaceutical, Industrial, and Specialty Grades
Certification: Compliant with ISO, GMP, and other global certifications
Purity: Up to 99.9%
Appearance: A transparent, colorless liquid with a tangy odor.

Under Dubi Chem’s stringent standards:

  • Boiling Point: Roughly 141°C
  • Density: About 1.051 g/cm³
  • Melting Point: Around 13°C

Our Advantages

  1. Prime Location: Based in Dubai, a global hub.
  2. Uncompromised Quality: Benchmark-setting quality parameters.
  3. Extensive Distribution Network: Deliveries that span the globe.

Production Capacity
With a staggering annual production capacity surpassing 320,000 metric tons, Dubi Chem stands tall in the Acrylic Acid domain.

Quality Control
Quality isn't just a word; it's a mantra at Dubi Chem. Each batch undergoes rigorous testing, ensuring that it mirrors the company's unparalleled quality ethos.

Dubi Chem prides itself on catering to specific client requirements, offering customized Acrylic Acid solutions tailored to diverse needs.

Company Info
From its inception, Dubi Chem has stood as a beacon of excellence in the chemical world. Today, it's a name synonymous with reliability, quality, and trust, making significant strides in the chemical domain.

To preserve product quality, Dubi Chem employs the finest containment and packaging technologies, ensuring that the product reaches its destination in pristine condition.

Physical Properties

  • Molecular Weight: Estimated at 72.06 g/mol
  • Flash Point: Approximately 68°C
  • Solubility: Perfectly soluble in water, alcohol, and ethers.

Dubi Chem recommends storing Acrylic Acid in cool, ventilated spaces, shielded from direct sunlight to maintain its integrity.

Quality Inspection
Every batch is subjected to a rigorous inspection process, ensuring it aligns perfectly with Dubi Chem's high-quality benchmarks.

Plant Area
Dubi Chem's sprawling facility is a perfect blend of tradition and modernity, ensuring efficiency and adherence to global quality standards.

Terms of Payment or Quotation & Payment
The global clientele enjoys seamless transactions through Dubi Chem's diverse and accommodating payment options.

Nearest Port
Located strategically near the Port of Jebel Ali, Dubi Chem guarantees swift shipments and timely deliveries.

Import & Export Mode
Dubi Chem's extensive supply chain is primed to service both domestic and international markets, reflecting its global stature.

Global Reach
Dubi Chem’s reputation isn't confined to the UAE. It reverberates across the Middle East and major global cities like London, New York, Hong Kong, Paris, Tokyo, and many more.

The journey of Dubi Chem is an ode to perseverance, innovation, and the relentless pursuit of excellence. As the pages of this illustrious journey unfold, the world witnesses the rise of a chemical titan that not only shapes the contours of the industry but also epitomizes the spirit of the UAE. As Dubi Chem forges ahead, its legacy promises to inspire, innovate, and ignite paths never explored before.

Dubi Chem: Pioneering Acrylic Acid Supply in UAE

From the vast dunes of the UAE to the high-rises of Dubai, a silent revolution has been brewing in the world of chemicals. Dubi Chem, a front-runner in this revolution, has firmly entrenched itself as the leading supplier, manufacturer, and distributor of Acrylic Acid in the UAE. With an expansive footprint, stretching across the Middle East to the bustling streets of global metropolises, Dubi Chem is more than just a chemical company - it's a symbol of innovation, reliability, and international prowess.

CAS NO: 79-10-7
Formula: C3H4O2

Product Description
Acrylic Acid, an invaluable organic compound, is a colorless liquid known for its pungent smell. It's a pivotal precursor in producing superabsorbent polymers. At Dubi Chem, this compound is synthesized with impeccable precision, ensuring unmatched purity and top-notch quality.

Usage and Application
Dubi Chem's Acrylic Acid is utilized across various industries:

  • Industrial Use: Vital for creating coatings, adhesives, and elastomers.
  • Textiles: Enhances fabric treatment processes.
  • Agriculture: Integral in formulating soil conditioners.
  • Consumer Goods: Commonly found in many household detergents.
  • Personal Care: Essential for products like adult diapers and baby nappies.

Product Parameters
Grade Standard: Pharmaceutical, Industrial, and Specialty Grades
Certification: Compliant with ISO, GMP, and other global certifications
Purity: Up to 99.9%
Appearance: A transparent, colorless liquid with a tangy odor.

Under Dubi Chem’s stringent standards:

  • Boiling Point: Roughly 141°C
  • Density: About 1.051 g/cm³
  • Melting Point: Around 13°C

Our Advantages

  1. Prime Location: Based in Dubai, a global hub.
  2. Uncompromised Quality: Benchmark-setting quality parameters.
  3. Extensive Distribution Network: Deliveries that span the globe.

Production Capacity
With a staggering annual production capacity surpassing 320,000 metric tons, Dubi Chem stands tall in the Acrylic Acid domain.

Quality Control
Quality isn't just a word; it's a mantra at Dubi Chem. Each batch undergoes rigorous testing, ensuring that it mirrors the company's unparalleled quality ethos.

Dubi Chem prides itself on catering to specific client requirements, offering customized Acrylic Acid solutions tailored to diverse needs.

Company Info
From its inception, Dubi Chem has stood as a beacon of excellence in the chemical world. Today, it's a name synonymous with reliability, quality, and trust, making significant strides in the chemical domain.

To preserve product quality, Dubi Chem employs the finest containment and packaging technologies, ensuring that the product reaches its destination in pristine condition.

Physical Properties

  • Molecular Weight: Estimated at 72.06 g/mol
  • Flash Point: Approximately 68°C
  • Solubility: Perfectly soluble in water, alcohol, and ethers.

Dubi Chem recommends storing Acrylic Acid in cool, ventilated spaces, shielded from direct sunlight to maintain its integrity.

Quality Inspection
Every batch is subjected to a rigorous inspection process, ensuring it aligns perfectly with Dubi Chem's high-quality benchmarks.

Plant Area
Dubi Chem's sprawling facility is a perfect blend of tradition and modernity, ensuring efficiency and adherence to global quality standards.

Terms of Payment or Quotation & Payment
The global clientele enjoys seamless transactions through Dubi Chem's diverse and accommodating payment options.

Nearest Port
Located strategically near the Port of Jebel Ali, Dubi Chem guarantees swift shipments and timely deliveries.

Import & Export Mode
Dubi Chem's extensive supply chain is primed to service both domestic and international markets, reflecting its global stature.

Global Reach
Dubi Chem’s reputation isn't confined to the UAE. It reverberates across the Middle East and major global cities like London, New York, Hong Kong, Paris, Tokyo, and many more.

The journey of Dubi Chem is an ode to perseverance, innovation, and the relentless pursuit of excellence. As the pages of this illustrious journey unfold, the world witnesses the rise of a chemical titan that not only shapes the contours of the industry but also epitomizes the spirit of the UAE. As Dubi Chem forges ahead, its legacy promises to inspire, innovate, and ignite paths never explored before.


For inquiries and orders, please get in touch with us at Email-

[email protected]

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About Us

We are one of largest marine chemical manufacturing company in Asia. Our specialization in marine, oil field, shipping industry. Since 1995 our group team continiously developing our product to achieve best in quality and services. Specially in shipping industries we make our position on TOP among all supplier. All shipchandler and shipping company of UAE - Middle East are well known to us and DUBI CHEM Marine International have more then 1800 global regular client to achieve our monthly target more then 360 MT .   DUBI Chem Marine International have very strong distribution network as well in INDIA also to complete supply directly on ship vessel - (Kandla,Mundra,Sikka) , (Mumbai,JNPT,Goa,Manglore) , (Vizag-Visakhapatnam,Gangavaram) , (Chennai,Ennore,Kochin) , ( Kolkata, Haldia, Paradip ) etc... For INDIA supply directly mail us on [email protected] or feel free to call us 0091-9821214367 ...

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Address : الحيل Plot no. 37A, block -L, Next to GULF Ready Mix Al Hayl Industrial Area - Fujairah - United Arab Emirates