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Dubi Chem - Your Premier Methacrylic Acid Supplier in the UAE

Are you searching for a trusted methacrylic acid supplier, manufacturer, and distributor in the UAE? Look no further! Dubi Chem is a leading chemical company specializing in the production and distribution of high-quality methacrylic acid and other chemical products. With a commitment to excellence, safety, and customer satisfaction, Dubi Chem has earned a strong reputation in the chemical industry, serving clients across the Middle East and around the world.
CAS NO: 79-41-4
Formula: C4H6O2
Product Description: Methacrylic acid, a colorless, corrosive liquid with a pungent odor, is a vital organic compound used as a key precursor in the synthesis of various polymers and copolymers. Its versatility makes it invaluable in numerous applications.
Usage and Application: Methacrylic acid (MAA) is an organic compound with the formula CH2=C(CH3)COOH. It is a colorless liquid, possessing a strong, pungent odor, that is soluble in water and a range of organic solvents. As an unsaturated carboxylic acid, it is a vital industrial chemical used as a building block for a host of products. Let's explore its various applications and uses across different sectors:




Acrylic Polymers and Coatings: 



Methacrylic acid is a crucial component in the manufacture of acrylic polymers, which are widely used in coatings. These coatings can be applied to various substrates such as metal, concrete, paper, wood, and plastics to provide resistance to factors like abrasion, corrosion, and UV radiation. The applications for these coatings are broad, ranging from architectural and automotive finishes to coatings on paper and textiles.


Adhesives and Sealants: 



Methacrylic acid is used in the formulation of adhesives and sealants. The resultant products display excellent bonding characteristics, flexibility, and durability. These are used in construction, automotive, packaging, and consumer products among others.


Textile Applications: 



Textiles treated with methacrylic acid-based substances display improved dye receptiveness, flame retardance, and resistance to wrinkling and shrinkage. The improved properties make the textiles suitable for use in clothing, upholstery, and various home furnishings.


Ion Exchange Resins: 



MAA is used in the manufacture of ion exchange resins, which are polymers that can exchange specific ions within the polymer with ions in a solution that is passed over them. These resins find application in water purification, water softening, and in processes such as desalination.


Pharmaceutical Industry: 



In pharmaceuticals, polymers derived from methacrylic acid are used in the controlled release of drugs. They are used in tablet coatings and as binding agents in pills and capsules.


Dental Materials: 



Methacrylic acid is used in the production of dental products like artificial teeth and dental cement. Methacrylates used in dental applications offer color stability, strength, and resistance to wear, which are critical for dental restorative materials.


Surgical Glues: 


In the medical field, methacrylic acid derivatives have been developed into surgical glues. These glues are used to close wounds and surgical cuts, replacing traditional sutures and staples, thereby reducing the chances of infection and scarring.


Plastics Manufacturing: 


Methacrylic acid is polymerized to create polymethacrylates, which are used in the production of transparent glass-like plastics such as Plexiglas and Lucite.


Water Treatment Chemicals: 


Methacrylic acid derivatives are used as dispersants in water treatment processes, which helps in controlling the deposition of mineral scales and dispersing suspended particles.





Methacrylic acid is used in the construction industry to produce concrete additives, sealants, and caulks, improving the durability and performance of construction materials.


Despite its extensive uses, it's crucial to remember that methacrylic acid is a corrosive substance and can cause burns and eye damage. Therefore, it must be handled with care, ensuring the use of appropriate protective equipment.


Overall, the versatility of methacrylic acid and its derivatives translates into a wide range of applications across numerous industries. It is an integral component of modern life, used to manufacture products we encounter in our everyday activities. From the paints on our walls to the medications we take, methacrylic acid plays a key role in their production.
Product Parameters:

  • Molecular Weight: 86.09 g/mol
  • Boiling Point: 161-162°C
  • Density: 0.99 g/cm³

Grade Standard: Industrial Grade, Chemical Grade
Certification: ISO 9001:2015
Purity: Minimum 99%
Appearance: Clear, colorless liquid
Specifications: Compliant with international quality standards
Our Advantages:

  1. Superior Product Quality: Dubi Chem produces methacrylic acid under stringent quality control measures, ensuring purity and effectiveness.
  3. Extensive Application Expertise: We offer technical support and guidance to customers, helping them optimize their processes.
  5. Timely Delivery: Our well-established logistics enable prompt and reliable delivery to clients worldwide.
  7. Customization: Dubi Chem provides tailored solutions to meet specific customer requirements.

Production Capacity: Our advanced manufacturing facility boasts cutting-edge technology, enabling us to meet large-scale orders efficiently.
Quality Control: Stringent quality inspections are carried out at each stage of production, adhering to international standards.
Customization: Dubi Chem caters to custom formulations and packaging solutions to suit individual customer needs.
Company Info: Dubi Chem is a reputable chemical manufacturer, supplier, and distributor based in the UAE. With decades of experience, we have earned trust and loyalty by delivering top-notch chemical solutions.
Packing: Our methacrylic acid is available in various packaging options, including:

  • 200-liter drums
  • 1000-liter IBC tanks
  • Bulk shipments in flexitanks or ISO tanks


  • Melting Point: -10°C
  • Flash Point: 54°C (closed cup)
  • Solubility: Miscible with water, alcohol, and ether

STORAGE: Methacrylic acid should be stored in cool, dry, and well-ventilated areas, away from direct sunlight and incompatible substances.
QUALITY INSPECTION: Every batch of methacrylic acid undergoes rigorous quality checks to ensure compliance with the highest industry standards.
Plant Area: Our state-of-the-art manufacturing plant covers X square meters, equipped with the latest technology for efficient production.
Terms of Payment or Quotation & Payment: We offer flexible payment terms and competitive quotations, tailored to individual client preferences.
Nearest Port: Port Jebel Ali, Dubai, UAE
Import & Export Mode: Dubi Chem operates on both import and export modes, facilitating global trade.
Supply to Top Cities: In addition to serving the UAE, we proudly supply our methacrylic acid and other chemicals to top cities across the Middle East, including Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Doha, Riyadh, Jeddah, and beyond. Moreover, we cater to prominent cities worldwide, such as London, New York, Tokyo, Beijing, and more.
Dubi Chem emerges as the premier methacrylic acid supplier, manufacturer, and distributor in the UAE, supported by top-notch product quality, extensive expertise, and customer-centric services. Our global reach, competitive pricing, and commitment to excellence make us the ideal partner for all your chemical needs. Contact Dubi Chem today and experience chemical solutions that redefine industry standards!
For inquiries and orders, please contact us at Email-

[email protected]

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About Us

We are one of largest marine chemical manufacturing company in Asia. Our specialization in marine, oil field, shipping industry. Since 1995 our group team continiously developing our product to achieve best in quality and services. Specially in shipping industries we make our position on TOP among all supplier. All shipchandler and shipping company of UAE - Middle East are well known to us and DUBI CHEM Marine International have more then 1800 global regular client to achieve our monthly target more then 360 MT .   DUBI Chem Marine International have very strong distribution network as well in INDIA also to complete supply directly on ship vessel - (Kandla,Mundra,Sikka) , (Mumbai,JNPT,Goa,Manglore) , (Vizag-Visakhapatnam,Gangavaram) , (Chennai,Ennore,Kochin) , ( Kolkata, Haldia, Paradip ) etc... For INDIA supply directly mail us on [email protected] or feel free to call us 0091-9821214367 ...

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Address : الحيل Plot no. 37A, block -L, Next to GULF Ready Mix Al Hayl Industrial Area - Fujairah - United Arab Emirates