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BIOCIDE MICRO for Water Treatment

Packing Sizes: 

5, 10, 20, 25, 50, 210 Ltr Microbiocide for cooling water Bacteria and Algae Control.

Effective controller of MICRO BIOCIDE and BACTERIA from condensor WATER system.

BIOCIDE MICRO for Water Treatment is a powerful microbiocide which will control a wide range of troublesome microbes in both open and closed water systems.

it is a strong algae depressant fully compatible with alkalizing and flocculating agents normally used in cooling / boiler water.  Algae growth is the main cause of colour in water.  Routine and weekly additions of RXSOL-40-4009-020 establish a buffer action to control very rapid algae growth. 

Product Application: 

Effective controller of MICRO BIOCIDE and BACTERIA from condensor WATER system. being effective against most kinds of bacteriaa, algae and fungi. It is a particularly useful product for air-wash systems and is compatible with all commonly used antifoulants and corrosion inhibitors . For the control of microbial biofilms, bacteria, algae, and fungi, add MICRO BIOCIDE Cooling Water RXSOL-40-4009-020 to industrial recirculating water cooling towers, industrial recirculating closed loop water cooling systems, brewery pasteurizer and can warmer systems.

Product Dose: 

Microbiocide based on Organo sulphur compound, for use in open recircurculating systems.

* Highly effective
* Broad spectrum activity
* Economical and easy to use
* Compatible with other treatments.

Product Note: 
For the control of microbial biofilms, bacteria, algae, and fungi, add MICRO BIOCIDE Cooling Water RXSOL-40-4009-020 in recirculating water cooling towers, industrial recirculating closed loop water cooling systems, brewery pasteurizer and can warmer systems. Add MICRO BIOCIDE Cooling Water RXSOL-40-4009-020 at some point in the system to insure uniform mixing.

Features and Benefits

  • High performance biocidal adjunct used for generating hypobromous acid.
  • Effective at low concentrations
  • Effective at high pH
  • Controls a wide spectrum of bacteria, algae and fungi
  • Simple to control
  • Will inhibit formation of biofilms
Product Technical Specification: 


Appearance Colourless to brown hazy
Odor Odorless
Flammability Non Flammable
pH 5-9
Density 1.1
Solubility Completely soluble
Where MICRO BIOCIDE Cooling Water RXSOL-40-4009-025 can be used?

For the control of microbial biofilms, bacteria, algae, and fungi, add MICRO BIOCIDE Cooling Water RXSOL-40-4009-020 to industrial recirculating water cooling towers, industrial recirculating closed loop water cooling systems, brewery pasteurizer and can warmer systems. Add MICRO BIOCIDE Cooling Water RXSOL-40-4009-020 at some point in the system to ensure uniform mixing.

Dose Ratio of MICRO BIOCIDE Cooling Water RXSOL-40-4009-020 
NOTE: Badly fouled systems should be cleaned before treatment.

INITIAL DOSE: if the system is initiating fouling then use 200 ml - 3 ltr of  MICRO BIOCIDE Cooling Water RXSOL-40-4009-020  for per 3000 to 5000 Ltr of water in the system.) Dose can be increased till optimum results.
WEEKLY CONTROL DOSE: When microbial control is evident, add 100 to 500 ml per MICRO BIOCIDE Cooling Water RXSOL-40-4009-020  for per 3000 to 5000 Ltr of water in the system
AIR WASHER SYSTEMS : Add to the air washer sump or chill water sump to insure uniform mixing, 200 ml  - 3 Ltr of MICRO BIOCIDE Cooling Water RXSOL-40-4009-020  for per 3000 to 5000 Ltr of water in the system, DOSE ration directly proportional of  contamination to control microbial biofilms, bacteria, fungi, and algae which cause fouling in industrial air washer systems.
Dose Ratio of MICRO BIOCIDE Cooling Water RXSOL-40-4009-020 for CONTINUOUS FEED METHOD  

Maintain this treatment level by adding a continuous feed of 100 ml to 1000 ml of MICRO BIOCIDE Cooling Water RXSOL-40-4009-020  per 1000 gallon of makeup water).

NOTE : Badly fouled systems must be cleaned before initial treatment.


INITIAL DOSE for Noticeably Fouled Condition: 500 ml - 4000 ml of MICRO BIOCIDE Cooling Water RXSOL-40-4009-020  per 3000 Ltr of water in the system. Repeat until control is achieved. Badly fouled systems should be cleaned before treatment is begun.

SUBSEQUENT DOSE: When microbial control is evident, add 100 ml  - 100 ml MICRO BIOCIDE Cooling Water RXSOL-40-4009-020  per 3000 Ltr of water in the system.

Strong algae depressant fully compatible with alkalizing and flocculating agents normally used in cooling / boiler water. Algae growth is the main cause of colour in water. Routine and weekly additions of RXSOL-40-4009-020 establish a buffer action to control very rapid algae growth.


MICRO BIOCIDE Cooling Water RXSOL-40-4009-025 is recommended for the control of microbial biofilms, bacteria, fungi, and algae in industrial wastewater treatment and sewage systems. Do not discharge effluent containing this product to sewer systems without previously notifying the local sewage treatment plant authority.


Equivalaent Product Name GREEN MICROBIOCIDE, MICROORGANISM CONTROL, Rocide BC 601, BIOCIDE INDION- 7705, Ferrocid 8583 MAXTREAT 606 CHEMICAL, Hydrex 7310, Aquatreat 2348, MAXTREAT 651, NALCO 77352, Hydrex 7908, Maxtreat 608, Nalco 2593, Indion 1591, Oxidising Biocide, Maxtreat 613, CareTreat 5 Seawater 

#MarineChemical #TankCleaner #OilFieldChemical #ChemicalManufacturer #ChemicalSupplier #WaterTreatmentChemical #ROchemicals #ReverseOsmosisChemical #Dispersant
#Demulsifier #WaterlessHandCleaner #AirCoolerCleaner #CarbonRemover #ScaleRemover #ActivatedAlumina #ActivatedCarbon #SilicaGel #Degreaser_Biodegradable
#DieselExhaustFluid #BlueLiquid #ToiletBlueWater_Juice #RigWash #OxygenScavenger #CoolingWaterTreatment #RoccorNB #CorrosionInhibitor #CalciumChloride #DIwater
#AlumPowder #MagnesiumSulphate #SodaAsh #SulfamicAcid #PotassiumChloride

BIOCIDE MICRO Cooling Water 20 Ltr manufacturer supplier distributor in Mumbai, Kandla, Kolkata, Vizag, Chennai, India, Fujairah, Dubai UAE, Muscat Oman, Kenya Africa. Get the best quality of BIOCIDE MICRO Cooling Water 20 Ltr at a competitive price from us. We have ready stock of BIOCIDE MICRO Cooling Water 20 Ltr in India, UAE Gulf, Oman, Kenya Africa. Contact us for bulk as well as small orders.

Industrial Area: 


Other Equivalent Brand: 

FD-BROM / AT-2343, OXIDIZING BIOCIDE,  Bromine Based Biocide 20 Ltr 

Free Delivery / Supply Locations : 
Oman, Bahrain, Abu Dhabi, Ajman, Al Ain, Dubai, Ras Al-Khaimah, Ras al Khaimah, Fujairah, Sharjah, Umm Al Quwain, Fujairah, Ruwais, Mina (Port) Zayed, Khalifa Port, Kizad, Port Rashid, Jebel Ali Port, DP WORLD, Jebel Ali Free Zone, Khor Fakkan Container Terminal, Port Rashid, Jebel Ali Port, Mina Kalid Port, Khor Fhakan Port ( Khawr Fakkan, Khawr al-Fakkan ), Sharjah Creek, Ajman, Port of Hamriyah, Mina Zayed Port, Mussafah port, Khalifa Port, Umm al-Nar Port, Um Al Quwain Port, Saqr Port, Port of Fujairah, Dibba Port, Jebel Dhanna, Mina Al Hamriya, Mina Rashid, All United Arab Emirates

About Us

We are one of largest marine chemical manufacturing company in Asia. Our specialization in marine, oil field, shipping industry. Since 1995 our group team continiously developing our product to achieve best in quality and services. Specially in shipping industries we make our position on TOP among all supplier. All shipchandler and shipping company of UAE - Middle East are well known to us and DUBI CHEM Marine International have more then 1800 global regular client to achieve our monthly target more then 360 MT .   DUBI Chem Marine International have very strong distribution network as well in INDIA also to complete supply directly on ship vessel - (Kandla,Mundra,Sikka) , (Mumbai,JNPT,Goa,Manglore) , (Vizag-Visakhapatnam,Gangavaram) , (Chennai,Ennore,Kochin) , ( Kolkata, Haldia, Paradip ) etc... For INDIA supply directly mail us on [email protected] or feel free to call us 0091-9821214367 ...

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Address : الحيل Plot no. 37A, block -L, Next to GULF Ready Mix Al Hayl Industrial Area - Fujairah - United Arab Emirates