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Tri Ethylene Glycol Commercial

Packing Sizes: 

25, 50, 230, 1250 Kg IBC tanks.

Triethylene glycol, high-purity grade viscous liquid.  We are the supplier of TEG in small as well as Big drum sealed packing to maintain its quality to meet high-purity specifications for applications such as polyester resins, UV-curable resins and plasticizers. It is a clear, practically colourless and odourless, hygroscopic liquid at room temperature. 

Product Application: 
TEG is High boiling point solvent also used as a Metal cleaning agent in metal surface treatment, It can be used as metal cleaning agent to remove oil, paint and other dirt. It is a good high boiling point solvent; can be used as solvent and coloring agent.
Product Dose: 

Product Note: 
Keep container closed when not in use. Store in a tightly closed container. Store in a cool, dry, well-ventilated area away from incompatible substances.
Product Technical Specification: 


CAS number       : 112-27-6
Formula         : (CH2OCH2CH2OH)2
Purity ( GC / ASTM E2409 )   99.72%
MEG and DEG presence (ASTM E 2409)  : 0.15% Maximum
Other Glycol Heavy ASTM E 2409 : 0.10% Maximum
Odour : Practically Odourless
Solubility in water : COMPLETE
Appearance ( GEL/D08.22 )   Clear Liquid
Colour ( Pt-Co) ASTM E1209 : 35 
Density Gravity Specific : 1.12     at 20    oC
pH Value GEL / D08.27 : 8.1  ( dilution 1:1 )
Boiling point  Distillation Range 5% to 95%  ASTM D1078  : 282 to 283.7  oC 
Melting point  : -5 oC
Viscosity, ASTM D7279 : 48.8 cp at 25 oC
Ash Content, ASTM D 482    50 PPM is limit : 16 PPM max
Explosive limits      : 0.9 – 9.2 Vol%
Vapour pressure Density ASTM D2598   : 5.17 at 15 oC
Skin absorption/irritation           : YES
Suspended Matter ( Gel / D08.20 )  : None Absolutely FREE
Water Content ASTM E1064 : 200 PPM 
Chloride Content as Cl ( GEL/D08.17 ) Maximum Limit is 10 PPM : 0.90 ppm
Acid Value, ASTM D1613 - Acetic ACID ( Max 100 ppm ) : 12 ppm
#MarineChemical #TankCleaner #OilFieldChemical #ChemicalManufacturer #ChemicalSupplier #WaterTreatmentChemical #ROchemicals #ReverseOsmosisChemical #Dispersant
#Demulsifier #WaterlessHandCleaner #AirCoolerCleaner #CarbonRemover #ScaleRemover #ActivatedAlumina #ActivatedCarbon #SilicaGel #Degreaser_Biodegradable
#DieselExhaustFluid #BlueLiquid #ToiletBlueWater_Juice #RigWash #OxygenScavenger #CoolingWaterTreatment #RoccorNB #CorrosionInhibitor #CalciumChloride #DIwater
#AlumPowder #MagnesiumSulphate #SodaAsh #SulfamicAcid #PotassiumChloride

Tri Ethylene Glycol TEG Importer Exporter and supplier in Muscat Oman, Fujairah UAE Middle East, Dubai, Sohar, Abudhabi, Kuwait, Sharjah, Mumbai, Gandhidham, Chennai, Kolkata, Visakhapatnam, India - Canada

Free Delivery / Supply Locations : 
Oman, Bahrain, Abu Dhabi, Ajman, Al Ain, Dubai, Ras Al-Khaimah, Ras al Khaimah, Fujairah, Sharjah, Umm Al Quwain, Fujairah, Ruwais, Mina (Port) Zayed, Khalifa Port, Kizad, Port Rashid, Jebel Ali Port, DP WORLD, Jebel Ali Free Zone, Khor Fakkan Container Terminal, Port Rashid, Jebel Ali Port, Mina Kalid Port, Khor Fhakan Port ( Khawr Fakkan, Khawr al-Fakkan ), Sharjah Creek, Ajman, Port of Hamriyah, Mina Zayed Port, Mussafah port, Khalifa Port, Umm al-Nar Port, Um Al Quwain Port, Saqr Port, Port of Fujairah, Dibba Port, Jebel Dhanna, Mina Al Hamriya, Mina Rashid, All United Arab Emirates

About Us

We are one of largest marine chemical manufacturing company in Asia. Our specialization in marine, oil field, shipping industry. Since 1995 our group team continiously developing our product to achieve best in quality and services. Specially in shipping industries we make our position on TOP among all supplier. All shipchandler and shipping company of UAE - Middle East are well known to us and DUBI CHEM Marine International have more then 1800 global regular client to achieve our monthly target more then 360 MT .   DUBI Chem Marine International have very strong distribution network as well in INDIA also to complete supply directly on ship vessel - (Kandla,Mundra,Sikka) , (Mumbai,JNPT,Goa,Manglore) , (Vizag-Visakhapatnam,Gangavaram) , (Chennai,Ennore,Kochin) , ( Kolkata, Haldia, Paradip ) etc... For INDIA supply directly mail us on [email protected] or feel free to call us 0091-9821214367 ...

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ISO 9001 Certificate


Call Us : +971 9 2242524 / 09 2242534
Support:+971 9 2235488

Email : dubichemical @ ( Only for Customer )

Never use this mail for CV BIODATA, you will get BlackListed permanently
We have separate HR TEAM for Bio DATA and Selection of CV.
Business WhatsApp ::: +971 56 108 1115 


Address : الحيل Plot no. 37A, block -L, Next to GULF Ready Mix Al Hayl Industrial Area - Fujairah - United Arab Emirates