Janus Green B has been used in staining technique to determine cell density, to detect the presence of telocytes in trachea and lungs and used as a dye to visualize bonghan ducts inside lymphatic vessels of rabbits.Histology, cytology and other related scientific disciplines study the microscopic anatomy of tissues and cells. In order to demonstrate good tissue
Vital dye for staining of leucocytes and for visualising mitochondria. Besides Janus green is used as counter stain during the modified Ziehl-Neelsen staining.
Janus Green B is a basic dye and vital stain used in histology. It is also used to stain mitochondria supravitally, as was introduced by Leonor Michaelis in 1900.
Janus Green B should be oxidized to become colored. Thus, this dye can be used to specifically stain mitochondria in living cells. It has been used to stain biomolecules, nucleic acids and chromosomes.
JANUS GREEN B for Microscopy C I No 11050